You have access to these Maneuvers:

Bait and Switch

  • When you’re within 2-tiles of a creature on your turn, you can expend one superiority die and switch places with that creature.

Disarming Attack

Action Type:
Target: 1 creature; Range: 1 tile

  • When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add a +5 to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.

Feinting Attack

  • You can expend one superiority die and use a bonus action on your turn to gain a +2 to Attack bonus for 30 minutes.

((Last updated: 11.8.2023))