Additional Systems

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A little bit of everything 

This last page sums all the different systems and tables that do not fit somewhere else. No matter if you’re in search for creating a potent magical item or searching to conduct a magical ritual: This is the place for you to thrive.

Please also keep in mind that you can always open a DM ticket if there are any uncertainties or you have other questions around a specific rule.

((Last Updated 9.12.2024))


Ph’nglui mglw’nfah Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

Rituals are a form of very complex magical procedures, that are often time and material consuming. While many rituals can be conducted by only one person, the mightiest of them are requiring the magical prowess of multiple ritual experts like clerics, warlocks and of course wizards.

When casting a ritual, please open a DM ticket with a few days notice to allow a staff member to be present to observe the rolls and collect the material components. Failure to have a staff member present may result in failure of the ritual.

A ritual is not considered complete until the staff team has rules it has been completed.

Please refer to the section about resurrection in order to determine the outcome.

Whether the caster Fails or Succeeds in a ritual, they will receive the ‘incurable weakness’ status for the specific IRL time below.

Basic General Ritual Table

This table is for the below Spells/Rituals:
Identify, Arcane Lock-(2 hours of exhaustion per door), Speak with Dead

Dice Range Fail or Succeed? Outcome Components
1-10 Ritual Fails The caster has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 1 day, and gains a ritual cooldown of 5 days. All components are Lost
11-20 Ritual Succeeds The caster has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 1 day, and gains a ritual cooldown of 3 days. All components are Lost
21-95 Ritual Succeeds The caster has ‘Exhaustion 1’ for 4 hours, and gains a ritual cooldown of 2 days. All components are Lost
96-100 Ritual Succeeds The caster has ‘Exhaustion 1’ for 2 hours, and gains a ritual cooldown of 1 day. Half of the components are Lost

In-Depth General Ritual Table

This table is for the below Spells/Rituals:
Druid Grove, Magic Circle, Gate, Hallow (Holy or Unholy), 

Dice Range Fail or Succeed? Outcome Components
1-10 Ritual Fails The caster is at death’s door (this is a status effect) and needs treatment.  The Character has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 7 days, gains one short-term madness, and gains a ritual cooldown of 7 Days. All components are Lost
11-20 Ritual Fails The caster is affected with a random curse, has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 5 days, and gains a ritual cooldown of 5 Days. All components are Lost
21-95 Ritual Succeeds The caster is exhausted for 1 day and gains a ritual cooldown of 2 days. All components are Lost
96-100 Ritual Succeeds The caster is exhausted for 1 day and gains a ritual cooldown of 1 day.  No other ill effects are gained. Half of the components are Lost


Hello again…

Dying is not always a dead end (hah). Since aeons mages and saints are in search for life beyond the grave – or to avoid the same completely. While true immortality is very hard to achieve, there are many races that live hundreds of years by default – a fact that gives them more than enough time to die in the procedure.

Resurrection is the answer to these unfortunate mishaps but it is very demanding to the resurretor, who might also lose their life by trying to save the one who died untimely.


Each Character can only have 1 of each type of resurrection cast on them per season ( Resurrection, True Resurrection, Reincarnation, Revivify )

Resurrection Table

Dice Range Fail or Succeed? Outcome Components
1-15 Ritual Fails The Caster– Dies and must be resurrected.
The Caster has  ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 7 days, gains a random madness, and gains a ritual cooldown of 1 IRL week.
All components are Lost
16-40 Ritual Succeeds The Caster– Has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 5 days, gains a random curse, and gains a ritual cooldown of 5 Days.
The Receiver– Has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 7 daysAs the ritual is slightly imperfect, the character can also become Reborn if the resurrected opts in.
All components are Lost
41-95 Ritual Succeeds The Caster– Has ‘Incurable exhaustion 1’ for 1 day, and gains a ritual cooldown of 3 days.
The Receiver– Has ‘Incurable exhaustion 2’ for 5 days.
All components are Lost
96-100 Ritual Succeeds The Caster– Gains a ritual cooldown of 2 days, but has no other ill effects.
The Receiver– Has ‘Incurable exhaustion 2’ for 3 days.
Half of the components are Lost


Reincarnation Table

Dice Range Race
01-04 Dragonborn
05-13 Dwarf (Mountain, Gold, Gray)
14-21 Goliath
22-25 Tabaxi
26-34 Elf (Dark, High, Wood)
35-42 Harengon
43-46 Gnome
47-52 Kobold
53-56 Half-Elf
57-60 Half-Orc
61-68 Halfling
69-76 Orc
77-96 Human
97-100 Tiefling



This cannot be so complicated, can it?

TLDR; Quick steps to researching:

  1. Find a research NPC in one of the hubs. If you are looking for advanced research for your profession, speak to the profession NPC in one of the hubs.
  2. The Research NPC will roll for you. Screenshot your success rolls and save them, just in case. If you do not have a snipping tool or are worried you will click out of the screen, do the Start button + PrtSc for a screenshot. (These Screenshots MUST be from your computer. Do NOT take photos of your computer with the chat. We need clear screenshots.)
  3. After your last success roll, the NPC will announce you’ve completed your research. This is when you would open a ticket with all your screenshots.

Where to Start?

Find the research NPC in your hub of choice. Speak to them and pick a subject of study. For your advanced profession research, speak to your profession NPC to find out where you must go to learn.

Once you’ve found the NPC that will teach you, wyou will be able to make a roll every day to attempt to learn the research. Different subjects require different #’s of successes, and roll at different DCs. The subject page for the research will describe this to you.

Please also refer to our list of research topics to find what you desire to learn.

Finishing up

(what should be on these Screenshots?)

  1. Speak with the librarian to select the book you wish to study. She will roll for you.
  2. Take a screenshot of your success rolls. Remember the Librarian will roll for you. 
    1. If you do not have a snipping tool or are worried you will click out of the screen, do the Start button + PrtSc for a screenshot.
    2. (These Screenshots MUST be from your computer.  Do NOT take photos of your computer with the chat.  We need clear screenshots.)
  3. Open a DM ticket after you’ve gotten your three successes, being sure that you’re including all your screenshots. A DM will then validate your efforts.

After the validity of the research is confirmed, that research is then applied to their character.


Fake it till you make it

To Attain mastery, you will need 14 mastery tokens. Tokens can be acquired two different ways:

  • There is a “Mastery” kit that can be taken every other day that offers 2 tokens
  • Participation in DM events award DM Tokens. DM tokens can then be traded for Mastery Token at the Spawn Shop

Once 14 tokens have been acquired, open RPR by hitting Shift-R and go to the Abilities Tab.

  1. Under ‘Progression’, use the “Obtain Mastery” Button, then refresh RPR either by hitting refresh in the top right, or closing and re-opening RPR.
  2. Under the Progression tab there will now be 6 different buttons for you to select your attribute increases. Use the 2 buttons associated with the attributes you’d like to increase (Be sure of your choices, as using the button is final and will require admin intervention to fix if you choose incorrectly).
  3. Once two attribute buttons have been used, type “/applymastery” into chat to lock in your mastery
  4. Return to RPR and use the “Complete Mastery” ability to finish the Mastery process
  5. Open a Whitelist ticket and fill out the mastery form, including a screenshot of the yellow text in-game declaring mastery was obtained.

Once that process is finished, you’re all set!