DC 18
Creation Cooldown: 4 Real-Life days
Item Use Cooldown: 4-7 Real-Life days
Quality: Very Rare
Slot: Misc
If teleporting to another plane, one must first have made a DM ticket and completed the Expedition research.
While wearing this amulet, the player can attempt to verbally name the location of a place they are familiar with and then make a DC 15 Intelligence check. If successful, you will teleport to your desired destination. If the player fails, then the player and each creature in a 3×3 foundation area travel to a random destination on this plane. An admin will roll a d100 and determine your random destination. Once you use this item, it will take 4 IRL days for it to store enough mana to be used again. This is increased to seven days if used for an expedition.
1 Glowing Gem (White)
1 Mask of the Witch Queen
2 Star of the Champion
2 Glowing Blue Gem
4 Scales of Dagon
10 Pearls
200 Alchemical base
1000 Gold Dust