DC 17

Creation Cooldown: 5 Real-Life days
Item Use Cooldown: Once every Real-Life day
Quality: Very Rare
Slot: Defensive
This black or dark blue robe is embroidered with small white or silver stars. You gain a (+1) bonus to saving throws while you wear it. Six stars, located on the robe’s upper front portion, are particularly large. While wearing this robe, you can use an action to pull off the stars and use it to activate the robe’s true powers. This either allows the user to combine all the stars into one and use a free cast of Chaos Bolt or to scatter the stars around oneself, allowing the user to disappear into the astral plane for a moment before appearing anywhere in a 10-tile radius circle centered around your initial location. Once this ability is used, the stars will take 24 hours to reappear.


1 Sturdy String
2 Shining Trapezohedrons
5 Fragments of Power
20 Star Metal Bars
350 Silk
1000 Gold dust
1000 Silver Dust