
 (Link to Wikis NOT in Race Name)

Unlife is nothing to envy: while they may have more time than they had in life, it holds none of life’s sweetness. The lilies of the field do not smell, food has no taste, and even friendship itself which is a rare and valuable commodity is more difficult to come by in unlife, by an order of magnitude, than it was in life.

Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse.  They include walking corpses, such as zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters.  From shambling skeletons to the arch-lich Vecna himself – they are one of the largest, most diverse, and terrifying types of monsters that roam the planes.

Being as they were extremely resilient to a number of effects and substances that were extremely harmful to the living, the afterlife wouldn’t seem all that bad to a select few that enjoyed these perks.  With the resilience, special powers, and an ageless lifespan that the Undead have, it’s no wonder that Necromancers and the like want this power under them, or even going so far as giving their life up for a life in death.

((Last updated:  9.13.2024))

(Undead may not take any other Afflictions) 

(If an undead is resurrected fully back to life, they will lose their undead status and revert back to the race they were in life)

Ability Score Increases:
+1 to two ability scores of your choice

Progenitor Race:
Your origin race.

Raised Undead do not age.

Same as the race was before Undeath.

Same as the race was before Undeath.

Raised Undead can speak, read, and write their Progenitor Races Languages.

Raised Undead

Whether it be from a friend or foe, welcome back to the land of the living!  Coming back from the dead is an ordeal, but one that has granted this zombie a second chance at un-life.

This race can only become it from the Raise Dead Ritual. Once the ritual is performed and successful, the player would include the changes to appearance in their ticket for resurrection.

Can be resurrected either whole again with True Resurrection (go back to original living race) or can be brought back as Undead again with the Raise Undead ritual. Resurrection and Reincarnation work only if they are entirely killed first and then resurrected

Race Abilities