DC 16
Creation Cooldown: 4 Real-Life days
Item Use Cooldown: Once every Real-Life day
Quality: Very Rare
Slot: Weapon
A sleek, golden staff with a bright white gem is located at the top. Once a day, the wielder of this staff may activate its power to release a blinding flash. Everyone in a 4×4 foundation area must roll a Constitution save against the caster’s Intelligence. Players who fail the saving throw will become blinded for the duration of the next round. Alternatively, the caster can instead invoke it once a day to heal wounds up to severe, but it will not be able to cure diseases, curses, or regenerate limbs.
1 Weapon Handle
1 Glowing Gem (White)
2 Star of the Champion
2 Fragments of Power
200 Resin
1000 Gold dust
1000 Silver Dust