by Old Guard RP | Jun 30, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - N, Racial Abilities, Racial Abilities - N, xOLD-Boons/Banes
Vampires are required to feed and satisfy the blood hunger within. This must occur at regular intervals of every 5 real-life days for unmastered, and 7 real-life days for mastered vampires. Not feeding, means a loss of your vampiric powers until you feed once more....
by Old Guard RP | Jun 30, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - V, xOLD-Boons/Banes
– Forbiddance: The vampire can’t enter a residence without an invitation from one of the living residents of that dwelling. Does not apply to non-residence buildings. – Water: The vampire takes 20 acid damage when it ends its turn in...
by Old Guard RP | Jun 30, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - V, Racial Abilities, Racial Abilities - M, xOLD-Boons/Banes
Vampires are inherently Resistant to Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks ((Last updated: 12.5.2023))
by Old Guard RP | Jun 30, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - C, Racial Abilities, Racial Abilities - C, xOLD-Boons/Banes
This character has access to bat shapeshifting (flight). This creature’s natural abilities allow them to see in the dark. Vampires cannot take on the bat form when in Sunlight. ((Last updated: 9.12.2024))
by Old Guard RP | Jun 20, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - C
Action Type: Standard ActionTarget: Self As an action, grant yourself an Artisan’s BlessingFor an hour, you are guaranteed to craft any Arcane Smithing item that is Common or Uncommon 3 Day Cooldown ((Last updated: 11.12.2023))
by Old Guard RP | Jun 20, 2022 | Class Abilities, Class Abilities - P
You gain resistance to psychic damage, and you have a +2 to Wisdom Saving Throws. ((Last updated: 11.8.2023))