If you have any questions that are not on this page, please submit a Help Ticket and a member of staff will gladly assist you.

How many days does 1 real-life day translate to in-game days?
One Real-life day equals 4 in-game days.
What is the time ratio for Night/Day on the server?
Currently: Daytime lasts 2 real-life hours – Nighttime lasts 2 real-life hours.
I’ve seen people riding through the main hubs on their mounts, and even just running people over. Can we use our mounts in town?
No. We do NOT allow mounts in the main hub area. Leave them outside!
Why was my bedroll deleted?
We do not allow bedrolls to be used to teleport around the map. We have a warp and caravan system to make traveling easier. If a bedroll is reported, we will delete it. If you are a repeat offender, you will be brought into a ticket.
If I roll, and someone meets my roll, do they win? Do we roll again? Do I win?
If it meets it, it beats it in favor of the defender. That’s the motto here.
Example: You roll a Strength 15 while they roll 14? (They lose) Did they roll a 15 or above? (They win)
Can I use my wolf form in the main hub area? can I shapeshift into that form if the scene calls for it? I’ve seen a Fox running around.
No, we do not allow ‘aggressive’ and large shapeshifting forms in the main hub such as the wolf, bear, or large cat form. Non-aggressive species (fox, house cat, raven, etc.) may be in the hubs. See General Server Rules – Hub Rules.
I’ve seen a player cheating the caravan system and carrying someone. The person carrying them was the only one that had to pay. Is that allowed?
Carrying someone to then use the caravan system is allowed! If someone wants to use their money to bring someone else places, that’s completely on them. As the Carry system is implemented into the game, it’s allowed.
How does the combat system work?
Old Guard’s vision is to create a 5e D&D-like experience even with encounters that involve combat. Through in-game character sheets, everything expected with turn-based, Dungeons and Dragons tabletop RPG combat is available; from rolling initiative, to selecting who to target with a skill, to declaring defeat (hopefully not!). A detailed guide can be found within the PvP Rules and the Dice Combat Guide document found in #combat-guide in the Old Guard Discord.
Last Updated: 12/18/2023