General Rules
Direct Links
Important note
The following page is a number of rules we’ve set in place to organize a player-friendly environment on our server. This is due to the fact that we have a huge number of individuals from different countries, backgrounds, time zones, gender, and ethnicities all with their very unique backgrounds, experiences, and views on our world and the hobby of roleplaying in specific.
Please take a few moments to read through the following rules as they’re applicable for everyone whitelisted on the server (this includes owners and staff members). If you feel that people in your direct surroundings are not compliant to these rules please open a HELP ticket with the Ticketbot in our Old Guard Discord and report the issue. We’ll then come back to you as soon as possible.
If you have questions or concerns, either open a ticket or ask in the #questions channel where your fellow community members and staff (when available) can respond.
((Last updated: 3.17.2025))
The Rules are subject to change at any time
Strike & Ban Appeals
Strikes: May be appealed after a month
Bans: May be appealed after a full season is over and a new one begins. Even if there is a mid-season wipe, any banned players must wait until a new season begins.
Example: If we are on season 3 and we need to do a mid-wipe to go into 3.5 a strike can be appealed at this time. Any banned player will need to wait until the beginning of season 4.
Both strikes and bans can be appealed on a case-by-case basis.
Community Rules
Rules that organize our daily community experience
Rule 1
Be Respectful: Old Guard is a community that is built to be inclusive and fun, centered around immersive roleplay. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, and all other forms of the -isms and -phobias will not be tolerated here. This includes trolling, griefing, and other toxic behavior. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Remember that there’s another person behind the keyboard or mic.
Rule 2
NSFW and Risky Content: This includes, but is not limited to NSFW content in any but the designated channels, anything that violates Discord’s TOS, posts regarding real-world politics, or any harmful links. We are an 18+ community but if you’re in doubt that what you’re posting crosses the line, then do not post it.
Rule 3
Common Courtesy: Do not discriminate, berate, or act condescending to your fellow story writers. Never assume a player’s consent. Be sure to check their profile sheet or ask before performing profound roleplay. Regardless of one’s consent sheet, a player always has the right to FTB a scene.
Rule 4
Zero Tolerance on Harassment: Harassment, derogatory comments based on race, sexual orientation, or gender will not be tolerated in the slightest. Do not target people. Do not solicit other servers through Old Guard’s Discord. Harassment will result in an immediate ban.
Rule 5
Staff Private DMs and Pings: Players will not direct or private message Staff about server status, ticket status, lore questions, or questions about the server. The community must open the appropriate ticket or thread for these questions. Do not ping staff members in public channels unless they request you to do so; follow-up pings within tickets are acceptable. Excessive pings in public or private channels will result in disciplinary action.
Rule 6
Private Discords: Staff does not and will not enforce Old Guard’s rules and policies in private Discords. The limits of our powers stop at the Old Guard server, website, and Old Guard’s Discord.
Rule 7
Meta Gaming: We are all excited to share our stories with our friends, however, there are points at which this becomes hazardous to both the immersion and the flow of the story. It is in these instances staff is compelled to administrate the situation.
Examples of “Metagaming” include but are not limited to, the following:
- Using OOC knowledge for IC gain
- Using Acquired knowledge from Alternate characters on a rerolled character
- Posting information about other characters in public view
- Pulling information about ongoing story plots off a Wiki and passing it around ICly as if you’d learned it
- Using the status indicators above another player’s head to gain knowledge and perceive them a certain way before RP.
Discord mirroring (Character name as profile) is optional though not expressly recommended.
Rule 8
Follow Roleplay Conventions:
When engaging in roleplay, player autonomy is important to respect. The following behaviors will not be tolerated on Old Guard:
- Powergaming/God-modding: Forcing outcomes in your RP without giving others involved a chance to affect the outcome. This might include telling another person they were being hit, as opposed to describing it as an attempt, or the casting of a spell with no opportunity to react to it (Someone might attempt to interrupt with PvP Intent, for example.)
- RP Evasion: Dodging RP without engaging in RP. This may include using warps, pulling bracelets, or simply running away from a scene. If another player is attempting to make contact with yours, you must leave through an emote first and allow a chance for that exit to be interrupted.
- RP Bleed: Holding OOC frustration and taking it out ICly, or taking IC frustration out on others OOCly.
- Dice rolls: If you choose to roll a social dice and are countered by another person rolling against it you are expected to roleplay the result if your roll is beat. Example: If you roll a sleight of hand of 8 and the other player rolls a perception of 12 then you must roleplay accordingly, failure to do so is considered FailRP.
- Thought RP: Thought emotes should never be used in a toxic manner with the intent to insult another player or share meta information. They are best used only as flavor to enhance the RP experience for those involved. Physical indicators should be paired with your thought emote as well to help the players around you better react and participate in the scene.
- Not Allowed Examples:
– Fred thinks about how just yesterday the orcs killed Max’s son while they spoke. “I’m sorry for your loss Max.”
– Simon thinks Sally is being a pathetic idiot for turning down his offer “I’ll talk to you later.” - Allowed Examples:
– Fred ponders on the recent events with a bit of sadness while they spoke. “I’m sorry for your loss Max.”
– Simon gives Sally a thoughtful look of disappointment after hearing her turn down his offer “I’ll talk to you later.”
- Not Allowed Examples:

Rule 9
You are In-Character at ALL Times: The only two exceptions to this rule are when you are returning to your body after being downed in PvP and while you are in the spawn room. All other actions are IC. If you are jumping around naked or are on a material run or within the hub for whatever reason, that is all IC action. We do not have an OOC tag for this reason.
Rule 10
Warps and Travel: We use warps to save on travel time or to find roleplay quickly.
PvP: You may not warp after a PVP declaration if you are the attacking or defending party. No camping warps for conflict.
RP: Do not RP within 7 tiles of a warp. Clan warps are excluded from this rule, though camping these warps will be considered Griefing and the offenders will be struck.
Alternative warping: You may not pull your bracelet to teleport around the map to a bedroll or bed. Any bedrolls/beds found will be deleted. If you are a repeat offender, staff will bring you into a ticket to discuss abusing this mechanic.
Rule 11
No Streaming: We may make exceptions for this during Staff ran public world events, but overall do not stream while playing on our server due to the adult content and to respect fellow players’ privacy.
Rule 12
No Drama: Do not bring past drama from any other servers with you into Old Guard’s Discord or server. Be an adult and try to move past old wounds and slights.

Rule 13
Whitelisting: All players must open a whitelist ticket before their character can be played past the spawn room. If you are found to be in the world and interacting with other characters without finishing the whitelist application, you will be subjected to a strike or season ban.
Application Whitelisting: AI written bios will cause an application race whitelist to be denied automatically.

Rule 14
No Underage Characters: Do not play a character under 18 years of age, or with child-like tendencies (Regardless of when your race reaches maturity/adulthood). You will be banned instantly. The staff has the right to “Age Check” any community member for the safety of the community and its player base.
Rule 15
Pregnancy: Pregnancy is not permitted on the Old Guard server. If pregnancy is to occur, it must start and be completed while that character is shelved.
Rule 16
No Exploits: Do not utilize exploits to gain an unfair advantage or bypass a limitation placed on the system. This includes (But is NOT limited to) pulling bracelets or using warps to avoid roleplay, improper use of flight, using /cheat nocost to duplicate limited items, etc.
You are to report exploits when found. Please report any found exploits in the form of a Help ticket. If you are found to have discovered a bug, but did not report it and instead made use of it, and if you are discovered you will receive a strike and/or ban.
Queue Skipping: We can detect who uses this exploit to skip the queue.
-If it’s found players are doing this, it will result in a 24-hour ban + 1 strike with no prior warnings being given.
-If it continues, you will then receive a 3-day ban with a second Strike given.
-On the third offense, you will be put on an official 7-day ban until you can appeal.
-If there are any further instances thereafter, you will be banned until next season and can appeal at that time.
Rule 17
No Rules Lawyering: As a player, do not take matters into your own hands and attempt to moderate a situation. If there is a disagreement on the rules, contact staff through a ticket. Constant rules-lawyering will result in an appropriate punishment. Staff have the final say in all ruling, and the rules as stated are subject to change at any time.

Rule 18
No Suicides: No Suicides, assisted or otherwise.

Rule 19
LFRP: You are not to use a wrongly advertised LFRP to purposely lure people to an ambush or otherwise to do them harm. If you do, you will be reprimanded for bad faith. State precisely the type of Roleplay you are presenting the tag for.
Tags to use:
Conflict RP – This lets others know the danger.
Story RP – Looking to build relations.
Adventure RP – A wandering, quest-type RP.
Casual RP – Tavern going etc.
Disclaimers. Having an LFRP tag on does not mean only the type you are looking for can interact with you. If you have found yourself in a scene, and one requests the LFRP tag to be removed, you must comply.
Rule 20
Catch-All Rule: It is impossible to encompass every situation in this ruleset. If a situation does not have a policy and it is clear that the actions are creating a toxic environment for players and staff, staff will address it on a case-by-case basis. Staff will meet to discuss the issue and provide a solution that will be brought to the player(s) in question in a transparent manner explaining why and how things were and will be handled.
Rule 21
Stealth and Eavesdropping:
- When trying to remain unseen or eavesdrop on a conversation, you must use the “Enter Stealth” Ability in RPR. This places the “Stealth” status over your head. You can only to attempt to hide if you are reasonably hidden. If you’re standing in a well-lit area in the line of sight of others, you cannot attempt to stealth. Those who can see your stealth tag may then use the “Detect Stealth” Ability to determine if they notice you or not. Detect stealth does not require line of sight, as it might pertain to sound, smell, etc.
- If you’re identified by someone’s “Detect Stealth” roll you may re-enter stealth using “Enter Stealth“, but the person who noticed you is aware you are there. You may roll an insight check against the detector’s deception skill if you want to notice the fact that you’ve been spotted. If you are called out or wish to come out of hiding, use “Exit Stealth” to indicate you are no longer stealthing.
- You may only eavesdrop if it is reasonable to do so. You cannot listen in through solid walls. If players are inside a fully-enclosed structure you cannot stealth outside and hear the roleplaying going inside of a said fully-enclosed structure.
- If you are shapeshifted as an animal, you must also wear the ‘Animal Form’ Status from the Shift-R Bio menu. If you are also attempting to stealth, you must follow the same procedure described above
Rule 22
Regarding Non-Consensual Sexual RP: If Sexual Assault as a theme is going to be roleplayed, the following restrictions must be followed.
– All involved in the scene must consent
– The scene in which the Sexual Assault is done must be done in a private place where it is not going to be interrupted or chanced upon. If another does chance upon it, they need to either consent to viewing and the restrictions therein, or retcon having seen the scene at all.
– The scene itself cannot be mentioned in any RP after that outside of the original participants. Neither the victim(s) or the aggressor(s) can mention the Sexual Assault in any way, shape or form to a secondary party. The scene cannot be used as grounds for Revenge RP, a PK.
Accusations of Sexual Assault, including rumors, are not permitted on Old Guard. All rumors of Sexual Assault existing before this rule are to be retconned.

Hub Rules
The rules below are applied to any hub. (Galdel and Lumirynth, as of 8.21.2024. The Markets may serves as a temp Hub only when there is not another hub available, and otherwise isn’t protected)
No ERP: We DO NOT allow ERP in hubs or guilds. There are personal homes for a reason. ERP in this context includes the wearing of kink apparel, walking around undressed, or engaging in any other similarly erotic activity. If players are caught ERPing in the hubs or guilds, all involved will get a strike.
No Followers: No mounts, pets, or thralls within the hubs. Mounts are far too large to be brought into the hubs and can be left outside of the main hubs and market away from the warp location. As far as pets and thralls are concerned, Conan tends to bug out and reset the “attack nothing” setting. If the thrall or pet is to attack a player, they have full permission to kill it and you will not be compensated. It is best to leave them at your base.
Notice Boards: Ensure that you post on the proper board (Advertisement, Job/Bounty, Notice). You may change the author name to an act name, so long as you are not impersonating another character
No aggressive species of shapeshifting (bear, tiger, wolf, etc.) is allowed in the hubs: Think of it this way, you are out grocery shopping and suddenly see a tiger. You would not turn a blind eye to this predator animal. Non-aggressive species (fox, house cat, raven, etc.) may be in the hubs.
The only form of PvP allowed in the surface hub is skirmish: Refer to PvP rules, Rule 9 for the definition of skirmish cons.
AFFLICTED CHARACTERS may con, but are NOT protected by the city and it’s guards. This reflects the aversion against afflicted character’s by the game world while making the characters choose better hunting grounds.
NPC Trader Rules
Two markets exist, one on the surface (Halruaan Marketplace), and another exists within the catacombs. These markets contain both player and admin vendors.
To receive your 2 Tot! Trader NPCs, have someone from your clan open a whitelist using the following format
Clan Registerer Character Name / Discord Name:
Clan Name:
When you place one down and hold E then select the green bottle for Configure trader You will get the following menu
- This is where you define what currency your trader will accept. It can be ANY item. Will other players buy from you using Silver Pieces, or maybe a profession material you need? This is up to you. A TRADER CAN ONLY TRADE IN 1 TYPE OF CURRENCY. THIS IS WHY 2 TRADERS ARE GIVEN
- This is where you control how much is sold, and for how much. In this screenshot, I am selling 1 Mineral Oil (Stack value defines the quntity) for 1 conan gold coin (Sell value defines the price).
- This is your merchants inventory. You must fill this with the items you wish to sell in order for your merchant to sell it. When a player buys from your merchant, the currency will be placed in here for you to empty out later.
- This is your inventory. Drag things over to the merchants inventory to stock your merchant
Be sure to dress your Trader, and do not set them to any constantly-moving emote

Building Rules
Can we do it…?
Any player with a base found to be in violation of these rules will be contacted in a ticket with clear instructions on what needs to change as well as a deadline by which the changes must be completed. This deadline will take into account the player’s availability. If the changes aren’t made by the deadline, the build will be subject to deletion without further warning or reimbursement for lost materials.
If you’re not sure if your base violates these rules or not, open a help ticket! The staff will be happy to review your build or concept and let you know.
Build Audits: Individual player audits and clan build are performed every two weeks. If a player has been inactive for 2 weeks their character in-game will be deleted; their whitelist will be preserved, but their character (inventory, RPR sheet, etc). If an entire clan is inactive for 2 weeks, the clan’s build will be wiped.
LOA: If you are going to be gone longer than 2 weeks, please open a help ticket and fill out the LOA ticket form so we do not delete you during audit!

Rule 1
Players are allowed one permanent base: No building tiles or placeables may be placed outside of a clan’s main build area. The exception is temporary camps documented with the below process. If you’re not sure if an area counts as being a part of your main build, open a ticket and we will happily review!
Temporary camps for RP purposes are permitted with a supporting help ticket, and may remain for 24 hours from the time the ticket was opened.
Rule 2
Do not block access to resources, major caves, dungeons, bosses, recipes, major thralling locations, or POIs: Explicit staff approval is required to build inside any major cave. No builds are allowed in instanced dungeons.

Rule 3
All builds must be RP-accessible. Your base must be reachable on foot without climbing, whether by natural terrain or by adding stairs/ramps. Elevators count for this purpose, but bases on islands reachable only by swimming are allowed so long as the swim can be done without drowning.
If lag prevents proper use of a present elevator ‘/cheat fly’ can be used to ascend/descend the elevator as if it were functioning.
In addition, dwellings must be accessible by average-height characters. For example, a fairy home cannot be inaccessible by tall characters (You can have an alternative entrance that only you can fit through, but there must be a full-sized entrance and the dwelling needs to be walkable at least in a crouch).
Rule 4
Foundations: Foundations should only be used as the base for structures and to level terrain where necessary No more than three (3) foundations high. They should not be used as walls. Nor should they be singularly placed along the terrain as territory placeholders. DO NOT place foundations along the land to claim said land for yourself.
Rule 5
Buildings must be RP friendly: Player bases should appear architecturally sound, appropriate for the culture they represent, and functional for the region they’re found in. No comically tall towers without adequate support, giant cubes, or sandstone in the frozen north. Player placed NPCs cannot bear the name or likeness to previously played player characters – whitelisted, shelved, or retired.
Rule 6
Do not use building exploits: Undermeshing, honeycombing, unreachable floating bases, spamming temperature placeables, and any other building techniques, tricks, or glitches used for the purpose of gaining a mechanical advantage are not permitted.
Rule 7
Sister clans are not permitted: Creating a new clan to circumvent the clan cap is not permitted. Each clan must have distinct leadership and possess its own building location and facilities.
Rule 8
Clan Bases: Clan Builds can not be within 80 tiles of one another. This is to prevent lag. You can use RPR’s (Shift+R) Tile Tracker tool to measure distances.
Rule 9
All players must be in a clan, even If they are solo: You must open a clan before joining the RP with other people and may leave it anytime if you join another one. All pets, mounts, and thralls must have the clan name on them. Example: Horse (clan name).
Rule 10
We’re Soaring, Building: Flight may be used to build your base, but you may NOT use the flight in RP. If you are happened upon by someone outside your clan, you must land, explain you were flying for building purposes, and then RP on the ground. Exceptions apply for races/classes that have flying available to them already

Building Limits
Clan Size (players) | Building Pieces | Placeable Allowance | Thrall/Mount Limit |
1 | 1000 | 450 | 2 |
2 – 3 | 1300 | 550 | 4 |
4 – 6 | 2000 | 850 | 7 |
7 – 9 | 3100 | 1150 | 10 |
10 – 12 | 3700 | 1300 | 13 |
Note: Thespians count against a clan’s placeable limit, not their thrall limit. Please remember that the animals running around town count in the thrall/mount limit.
Specific Restrictions
Item | Limit per Clan |
Animal Pens (all varieties) | 1 |
Wheel of pain (all varieties) | 1 |
Preservation boxes (all varieties) | 2 |
All placeable trees | 10 |
Religious Altars | 2 |
Horse Stables | 1 |
Fish traps/Bee hives | 0 |
Mining Stations | 0 |
Note: There are merchants in the hub who sell fish and honey.
Building Extensions
It is possible for a clan to extend its building and placeable allotment in two ways:
- Purchase one of five building extensions for 4 in-game gold pieces (The currency earned through your professions). This extends both the building and placeable allowance by 50 each.
- You may only purchase this extension up to five times
- (Enter a help ticket to purchase this extension. These extensions stay with the clan, not the individuals.)
- You may only purchase this extension up to five times
- Support the server by becoming a donor and redeem your rewards by entering a ticket; tile and placeable extension amounts vary by donor package. See Donations for more info.
The building extension and donor package allotment increase stack with one another, but a clan may only benefit from one of each per season.
To purchase a map marker for your clan (A green castle icon that goes on the map for others to discover), please open a help ticket with the following information. A marker costs 1 gold piece, and does not transfer to new clans.
**Discord Name:**
**Character Name:**
**Clan Name:**
**Name to put on the marker:**
**Screenshots of the decay log for the currency, and where on the map the marker should go.**

Clan Warps
A clan may purchase a clan warp to place in or near their clan for 30 gold pieces. They will be attached to the Halruaan Transit Authority’s network if the clan is on the surface, or added to the Cave Guide’s network if in the underdark.
To do so, have a representative (Ideally your clan leader) open a whitelist ticket with the following information:
**Discord Name:**
**Character Name:**
**Clan Name:**
**Clan Location on the map (Surface/Underdark + segment):**
**Screenshot of 30 Gold Pieces Decay log (Or 3000 Silver Pieces)**
Once the ticket has been opened, a staff member will work with your representative to set up the warp and the corresponding NPC.
- The warp will follow all normal fast travel rules regarding roleplay around the warps.
- No using the warps to bait for PvP purposes.
- You accept all IC risk if you decide to place this warp inside your walls.
Robbery Rules
Relax… I take it from here
To enact Theft RP OR breaking and entering, breaking and entering, there are some phases you must go through.
Only the player lockpicking or breaching may enter through the door they are breaking into. If you wish for more than one person to enter a building, a raid should be declared.
A screenshot of your inventory BEFORE and AFTER stealing must be placed in the ticket along with the screenshot of POI’s, Rolls, and emotes to go with the rolls.
(Our server has the offline raiding/lockpicking turned off. Meaning, if you wished to break into someone’s house, and they’re offline, you won’t be getting far.)
Unless the thief is breaking in via kicking the door in, a stealth check must be done. This will determine the number of clues left behind in a note, for the subsequent ‘investigation’ RP, should the target you are robbing wish to partake in a pursuit. It is also required that one is done when trying to steal while the target is home/present in the area.
Limitations to Theft
Theft (Breakins) are subject to the same limitations as the pillaging PvP Con
The thief may take up to 2 weapons and 1 piece of armor (or, 2 pieces of armor and 1 weapon).
One group of the following may additionally be taken, so long as the items stolen do not make the thief over-encumbered: 250 building materials, a total of 5 profession-based items (Poison, Repair kits/Weapon Fittings), 3 gems, or 1 health potion.
Once you hit over 99%, you are encumbered and cannot take any more. (It does not matter whether you go to an encumbrance build or not. 99% weight is the limit.)
Robbery Consequence
As a heavy consequence, you may steal one of the following:
- Up to 40 silver
- 1 rune item of Uncommon rarity or lower (Roll arcana dc10 or use detect magic/true-sight to identify magical items)
- A single potion (Roll arcana dc10 or use detect magic/true-sight to identify potions)
(PvE Gear, Racial, or Class items are not able to be taken or pillaged.)
Your character must succeed on a successful investigation check, exceeding the creation DC of the magical item or potion in order to steal it. Based on your investigation, you will be given a list of items that your roll exceeds. If you fail this check, you may not steal anything else. Gear, Racial, or Class items are not able to be taken or pillaged.
Only available to the rogue class and its subclasses.
Pickpocketing is a Sleight of Hand roll vs. a target’s Perception roll. If locked as a tie, then the perception roll will beat the SoH roll.
You may take one of the following:
- Up to 1d12+3 Silver off a player,
- 1 magic item rune of uncommon rarity or lower (Roll arcana dc10 or use detect magic/true-sight to identify potions).
(PvP Gear, Racial, or Class items are not able to be taken nor anything worn by the player.)
You should whisper to the person what kind of item you are looking for (IE, a gem, a ring, food, a vial) and allow the victim to provide you with the item. You may only pickpocket up to 5 people a day, with a 3-day cooldown to rob the same person again.

A DM ticket must be opened following your successful break-in
A screenshot of the Stealth Roll, Break in, and Lockpicking rolls (Both for door and Chest) plus their partnered emotes, including their timestamps. As well as, a screenshot of the items taken from their box and into your inventory, displaying the encumbrance value of the thief too.
Please note: If you’re simply breaking a door down, and do not steal anything, you will still need to place a POI to say that door was broken into, but nothing was taken. You will also need to roll for leaving clues and post that roll on the POI.
Additionally, a POI mark must be left describing what you have done, what clues were left behind, and the stealth roll you did so others know the clues left were equal to what number you received. IE. foot/hoof prints, fabrics, or a stench should your character have such, and how you entered/broke into the doors/chests.
To keep people from overtaking, the screenshot of the items must be done within the inventory of the chest – displaying what has been transferred and the state of the chest before. Should it come into question if more items have been taken, these images should be able to protect you and clarify the situation.
Break in/Theft Form:
Thief Discord name:
Thief Character Name:
Target Clan:
Stolen Items:
Date of Theft:
Step-by-Step Process
These should all be included in the thievery ticket.
- Screenshot of your location on the map so that the clan can be identiified (Or list the clan name if you know who it is)
- Emote that you are lockpicking or breaching the door. After you have emoted, you can commence attempting to lockpick or breach the door. Screenshot all attempts.
- After you get the door open, roll your stealth skill in-game. This would decide how the scene would look when found. Place the first POI explaining this and the stealth roll you made at the bottom. Include POI in a screenshot.
- Emote lockpicking the chest and continue with your attempts. ANY attempts at lockpicking must have a POI placed down to show it was tampered with in some way. Screenshot all attempts.
- Screenshot your inventory and the chest inventory before removing items.
- Screenshot your inventory and the chest inventory after you have removed the items you are stealing.
- Leave a POI marker ANYWHERE you have tampered with, corresponding with your dice roll. Screenshot the POIs.
Example of clues
Once again, this is stealth roll done in-game.
7 or below = You have left quite the scene. Leaving footprints/hoofprints, articles of your clothing, perhaps blood – or some form of a tell-tale sign of you being there – tying you to the crime.
8-13 = You’ve left your footprints/hoofprints, and some bits of strands of fabric – something that will allow people to have some inclination to what the thief was wearing.
14-18 = You have only left your tracks.
19+ = You’ve left nothing but some indications the door was picked open. You are a specter of a thief. An absolute mastermind to the craft, or perhaps you got lucky. Only an extremely skilled tracker will be able to track you down.
Lock-Out Phase
Upon a successful heist, the thief cannot rob said target again for 3-5 OOC days, depending on the severity of the theft. Cooldowns will be determined by staff within the thievery ticket.
If you are caught in the act of stealing within someone’s home and PVP is initiated, you DO NOT count as the defender. You are on ‘Their’ property stealing ‘Their’ things and it is them doing self-defense. You may either fight, surrender or flee.