((Link to Wiki’s in Race Name: The Fandom Wiki is a third-party website that gives a ROUGH estimation about a race. DMs discretion supersedes all.))
Where there are Giants in the realm of Faerun, this section does not contain any true Giant races. This section is a general term for larger-than-life races like the oni and goliath, whose heights can be compared to giants.
These beings tend to live a life by the phase ‘might makes right’. But how they define ‘might’ can vary from person to person. Most would assume it would be by combat or feats of strength, which many would assume correctly. These beings tend to lend more to their natural features of height and strength to carry them to their goals. There are some, however, who value wit and cunning over physical prowess, making their enemies underestimate their intelligence. This is all to say do not think that these beings are all muscle and no brain. They are more than you think.
Despite their large size, they can blend into society pretty well. Where they tend to lean more towards tribal settings, they can fit in about anywhere they find themselves.
((Last updated: 1.24.2025))

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
Equivalent to humans
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 193.04 – 243.84
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Goliaths can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.
Goliaths were a massive nomadic race of humanoids native to the mountainous regions of Toril. They were aware that loss of life in their tribe was undesirable and had long-term consequences and wouldn’t seek war unless forced. Their most notable characteristic was their competitiveness with everyone and themselves, seeing everything as a challenge, and how they kept track of their accomplishments. Despite their behavior, these beings weren’t arrogant, nor did they hold a grudge if they lost in their challenges. “Today’s rival is tomorrow’s teammate.”
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
Equivalent to humans
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 193.04 – 243.84
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Oni can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.
(Application Only)
Oni mages, often called ogre mages or simply oni, are powerful, intelligent, and cunning oni that possesses several potent abilities. Since they generally covet magic, oni are often known to work for evil wizards and hags in exchange for useful magical items. Despite their intelligence, they are known to be brutish and wicked and find delight in the suffering of others. The ogre mages often steal what they want from surrounding communities, be it property or persons.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Wisdom, +1 of Choice
500 years
You are ‘large’.
Your size is between 200 – 240
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
You can speak, read, and write Common, Elven, and Giant.
Firbolgs were a reclusive race of giant-kin who preferred to avoid contact with other sentient races. They were both the most intelligent and the most powerful of the giant-kin. Firbolgs enjoyed quiet time in the woods, in harmony with nature. The forests were sacred to them and symbolized the heart of the earth and the adaptability of life. They saw themselves as the forests’ caretakers.