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Thoughts on professions…
The intention of the profession system is both to improve the economy, and enforce some more sense into mechanical combat preparedness. In essence. This system is meant to correct some of the inherent conflicts arising from the mix of an RP setting and the PvP-Survival intended use of the game.
Normally, the most common design of economy on a roleplay server is constant OOC grinding of base game materials or NPCs, and spending significant time away from roleplay simply to make Pippi gold. Daily kits and hourly gold are earnest, but OOC solutions to lessen grind. They are sound in theory but can introduce economic problems of their own.
By implementing the Profession system, it is our hope to alleviate this and allow people to both spend more time roleplaying and to foster an organic and believable economy.
((Last updated: 8.5.2024))
“I can show you the world..!”

They never stopped following their profession – They have always been an adventurer for as long as they have had a profession. Now, “adventuring” in this sense is not the same as the dragon-slaying heroism typical of in-play adventuring. Really, a more accurate description would be along the lines of “helpful grave-robbing”, and probably involved a lot more sneaking around, running in terror, setting traps, and possibly taking credit for the work of others, or complete strokes of luck. Whatever the case is, adventurers are willing and able to do work that nobody in their right mind would even consider.
Adventurers do not craft, but earn money by completing randomized daily quests that vary in difficulty and reward.
They never stopped following their profession – They have always been an adventurer for as long as they have had a profession. Now, “adventuring” in this sense is not the same as the dragon-slaying heroism typical of in-play adventuring. Really, a more accurate description would be along the lines of “helpful grave-robbing”, and probably involved a lot more sneaking around, running in terror, setting traps, and possibly taking credit for the work of others, or complete strokes of luck. Whatever the case is, adventurers are willing and able to do work that nobody in their right mind would even consider.
Adventurers do not craft but earn money by completing randomized daily quests that vary in difficulty and reward. By speaking with the Senior Adventurer in towns, a quest will be given to speak to the Patrol Captain to assist them in their time of need. Once the overall quest is finished, the adventurer will be rewarded once they return to the quest-giver. Base pay is 45 Silver.
Advanced Research: Explorer – Once enough jobs have been completed, you will receive a pay increase of 15 silver, to a total of 60 silver a day.

“Just a little more of… oops.”

Apothecaries have a reputation as a healer of the sick, a creator of potions and tinctures, and are often called upon by those who are diseased or injured. They can usually gain an audience with anyone who needs treatment — even if the protocol would normally prevent them from doing so, like in the case of royalty or nobility suffering from a case of the Shrieks — simply by agreeing to offer assistance. By spending a few moments examining a chemical — a vial of liquid, a packet of ground powder, or the like — They can determine how to work it into a potent potion of healing, or a crippling poison capable of topping kingdoms. Apothecaries come from all walks of life and are an incredibly important part of any functioning society.
RPR Craftables:
– Healing Potion – Heals HP
– Medkit – Heals HP
– Omnielixer – +1 to Attack and Spell bonus
Mechanical Craftables:
– Poultice – Quells Bleeding
– Herbal Antidote – Curse Poison
– Wyvern Poison – Equipped weapons deal poison damage
– Bitter Tonic – Quickly restores stamina
-Ointment of Regeneration – Quickly restores HP
Material: Uncut Herbs, refined into an Alchemical Reagent. See the Apothecary in the hubs for more information
Advanced Research: Alchemy – Through practice, you’ve learned to brew powerful enchanted potions.
“After all, Impossible is just another kind of possible!”

Veiled in mystery and steeped in esoteric knowledge, Arcanists work with magical materials to create the reagents used in spellcasting and ritual work. A keeper of knowledge, people of this profession also typically choose a discipline such as writing, history or perhaps rhetoric. They are truly irreplaceable amongst organized ranks, despite commonly devoting themselves to scholarly and magical pursuits rather than combat.
List of Craftables:
- Ritual supplies
- Gems
- Ravencrest Courier Items
Veiled in mystery and steeped in esoteric knowledge, Arcanists work with magical materials to create the reagents used in spellcasting and ritual work. A keeper of knowledge, people of this profession also typically choose a discipline such as writing, history or perhaps rhetoric. They are truly irreplaceable amongst organized ranks, despite commonly devoting themselves to scholarly and magical pursuits rather than combat.
List of Craftables:
– Soul Gems – Used for empowering necromantic workings
– Glowing Gems – Material components for casting spells
– Ravencrest Courier Journals
Material: Raw Gem Dust, refined into Gem Dust. See the Arcanist in the hubs for more information
Advanced Research: Mystical Creation – Through practice, you’ve learned to craft magical items.

Beast Tamer
“Interested in a wolf? No? What if you could ride it?”

Beast Tamers might spend more time among exotic animals than other people. They were taught the secrets of how to train creatures into submission, and even may ride mighty steeds that would make the boldest knight tremble. Chances are, people of this profession feel more comfortable among the wild things than people. They have spent a great deal of time working with animals either mundane or exotic. Whether Beast Tamers train them for entertainment, hunting, war, or work, they are adept at getting animals to do what they want.
List of Craftables
– Various Mounts (Purchased with Silver instead of profession material)
– Ravencrest Courier birds
– Birdcages and Fishing Chairs
Material: Raw Ingredients, refined into Specialty Feed. See the Beast Tamer in the hubs for more information
Exchange: A Beast Tamer can exchange their Specialty Feed for another refined profession material from any of the other 3 crafting professions at the Beast Tamer profession NPC.
Advanced Research: Exotic Steeds – You are proficient with taming even the most exotic of creatures. More advanced Mounts are available to tame. (Purchased with silver
Rock Nose King Molten Mount – Earth Elemental |
Cerberus Mount – Hellhound |
Ice PiXiu – Ice Elemental |
Fire PiXiu – Fire Elemental |
Shaggai Horror Mount – Mind Flayer Hornet |
Scorch Mount – Ancient Lizard |
Silver Back Mount – Silverback Gorilla |
Sandstorm Creature Mount – Desert Hound |
Sulcata Tortoise Mount – Ancient Tortoise |
Elephant Mount – Elephant |
King Croc Mount – Great Crocodile |
King Komodo Mount – Travel Lizard |
Mammoth Mount – Whooly Mammoth |
Griffin Mounth (Flying) |
“The only way to heal is cold steel!”

Blacksmiths grew up with a hammer in their hand and fire at their back. Having grown up with the business of metalcraft as a constant, they are very learned in the ways of metal mining, smelting, casting, forging, and finishing, even if they are not necessarily personally practiced in those various crafts. With swarf under their heels and clinker under their nails, they have endured the heat and choking smoke of metal shops for years. Their hands are calloused, and their body has adapted to be quite sturdy to accommodate the labor. Their bodies hold a record of every lesson hard learned, in the form of scars from various burns and scaldings, infections from metal slivers, cuts from scrap, friction burns from grinding wheels, and more. Metalworkers are tough, hard people, as if they are stone made flesh, and hold an important place in society somewhat outside of the traditional social hierarchy, because all of civilization depends on their artistry.
List of Craftables:
- Legendary Weapon Repair Kit
- Weapon Oils
- Grandmaster Weapon Fitting
- Legendary Armor Repair Kit
- Bulked Kit
Blacksmiths grew up with a hammer in their hands and fire at their backs. Having grown up with the business of metalcraft as a constant, they are very learned in the ways of metal mining, smelting, casting, forging, and finishing, even if they are not necessarily personally practiced in those various crafts. With swarf under their heels and clinker under their nails, they have endured the heat and choking smoke of metal shops for years. Their hands are calloused, and their body has adapted to be quite sturdy to accommodate the labor. Their bodies hold a record of every lesson hard learned, in the form of scars from various burns and scaldings, infections from metal slivers, cuts from scrap, friction burns from grinding wheels, and more. Metalworkers are tough, hard people, as if they are stone-made flesh, and hold an important place in society somewhat outside of the traditional social hierarchy, because all of civilization depends on their artistry.
List of Craftables:
– Master Weapon Fitting
– Bulk Plating
– Grandmaster Weapon Repair Kit
– Legendary Grandmaster Weapon Repair Kit
– Legendary Armor Patch Kit
– Grandmaster Armor Repair Kit
– Master Reinforcement Kit
– Iron Lock Picks
– Steel Lock Picks
– Harden Steel Lock Picks
– Starmetal Lock Picks
Material: Raw Mineral oil, refined into Mineral Oil. See the Blacksmith in the hubs for more information
Advanced Research: Arcane Smithing – Through practice, you’ve learned to smith enchanted equipment.