Territories & Tiles


Ever wanted to own your own land in the eyes of the local regent? Have the desire to embrace the feudalistic tendencies of your ancestors ever clawed at your heart? Then this is the system for you!

The local Septar has decided to allow the various groups now dwelling in their local region of Halruaa to lay legitimate claim to the territories they’ve settled on. For a modest price, of course. What these foreign travelers choose to do in their new lands is up to them. Laws, taxes, and even official patrols are theirs to enforce and enact. How many benevolent kings will rise from these Halruaan wastes, and how many ill-omened overlords will arise to face them?

((Last updated:  2.24.2025))

How to Claim Territory/Tiles

I SHALL RULE THE WORLD… Within my tiles.

A must-read before going further

A tile is any section of outlined land on the in-game map labeled with a letter/number combination (N01, J10, etc). The first tile you purchase must be the one your clan base is located in.

Please note: Tiles containing hubs or guilds cannot be purchased.

Requirements for tile purchase

  • The first tile purchased must be where your clan base is located
    – Your clan base can move to any further purchased tiles without forfeiting your claimed tiles entirely
  • Additional tiles must be adjacent/attached to an existing owned tile
  • A week must have passed between tile purchases
  • Tile must be unowned
  • Tile cannot contain a Hub or Guild building

How to purchase a Tile

    Drop 5 gold and screenshot the decay log then open a help ticket and use the below format:

    Tile Purchase Ticket:
    Character name/discord name:
    Clan name
    How many tiles you currently own
    The tile you wish to buy

    Note: Raraku (island south of Galdel) and the Unnamed City are unavailable for purchase.

    Benefits and Consequences of Territory

    You bought it, you break it.

    The benefits of your own personal fiefdom/hunting grounds/estate are entirely up to you. All that‘s provided by this system is a map showing your territory at the bottom of this page and in the discord and the In Character legitimacy to proclaim ownership of your land and decide its laws.

    You can decide if you want to tax or police the people who live in tiles you own, to defend them from outside attack, or even to prey upon them like the foul beast you are. Ultimately, it‘s your RP to have and navigate. Let this be a vehicle to carry your character and clan to greater heights and shinier crowns.

    An Important Note: Your laws within your land are up to you to enforce, staff will not step in to force a player to comply with them.

    Additionally: Any clan that has had no active members for 2 weeks and is deleted in a build audit will have their purchased tiles revoked and made available for purchase again.

    Trading Tiles

    A tile can be traded in much the same way as a sending stone can, with a few restrictions:

    • Both clan leaders must open a separate ticket for the trade.
    • Tiles can only be traded if the new owner lives on the land/has a tile already connected to it
    • A snippet of the RP must be shown
    • For this you can use the below template in a help ticket:

    Tile Trade Ticket:
    Receiver Character name/discord name:
    Receiver Clan name:
    Giver Character name/discord name:
    Giver Clan name:
    Tile being traded:
    Screenshots of RP:


    Behold, the world!

    This shows the tile map.  This will be updated weekly for owned territories.

    ((Last updated:  2.24.2025))