A tracking ticket may be opened to track down a Player, Notice Board Post, General POI, or Break-in POI. Keep in mind the following rules which apply to all kinds of tracking:
1. If a track is successful, the tracker is placed on a 7-day cooldown and can only track something again after said cooldown.
2. If a track fails, the cooldown on tracking is 48 hours but the player cannot track the same thing again.
3. If the player being tracked logs out by the time the track is done and the tracker is looking for the current location, the person being tracked will be asked by a DM to provide the location of where they logged out.
4. Things must be tracked within 48 hours. That means if a POI or notice is over 2 days old it is untrackable. With direct player tracking, the tracker needs to have had a scene with that player within the last 48 hours.
5. When making a tracking ticket of any kind please @ staff in the ticket so it can be prioritized by those logged in at the time. (please keep in mind staff may not be available then and there could be a wait but the time limit goes by the time the ticket is first submitted)
Tracking form:
Character Name/Discord name :
Clan Name:
Target for Tracking: (player name or state if it is a POI, Break-in, or notice board post)
Favored Enemy: (for ranger only)

Tracking a player:
Evidence of a scene in the last 48 hours with the player targeted should be provided by the tracker. A tracker needs a place to start tracking them after all!
The tracker must roll their survival check and present a screenshot in the ticket. If the target is a Player’s favored enemy (For rangers) they will roll with advantage.
If the roll is a 16 or higher, you will be provided a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked player.
If the roll is an 18 or higher, you will be provided a 3×3 grid square containing the player’s base OR a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked creature.
Tracking after Break-ins / Robberies:
The tracker must roll a survival check and provide the screenshot of it in the ticket. If the target is a Player’s favored enemy (For rangers) they will roll with advantage.
If the roll is below the robber’s stealth roll on which they’ve left their clues, you will be unable to track them
If the survival roll is above the stealth roll, you will be provided a 3×3 grid square containing the player’s base OR a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked creature.
Tracking a General POI
This is for POIs that are not necessarily break-ins. Just about any POI can be attempted to be tracked within the appropriate 2 day time frame. There are two kinds of POIs that can be tracked:
POIs: These POIs are the simpler ones in which the person that left said POI was not attempting to cover their tracks or be careful in their endeavors. The tracking of these POIs only requires a survival check. If the target is a Player’s favored enemy (For rangers) they will roll with advantage.
If the tracker rolls an 18 or higher, they will be provided a 3×3 grid square containing the player’s base OR a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked creature.
Sneaky POIs: These POIs are ones that are done covertly, perhaps a note placed on a door or a threatening dagger stabbed into a wall. These POIs require a stealth roll to be attached to them written in the text at the end. For example: *There is a dagger stabbed into the wood of the door* (Stealth DC 19). If there is no stealth roll attached to a POI, it is considered a regular POI, see above. To track these, the tracker rolls survival vs the original stealth roll much like break-in tracking. If the target is a Player’s favored enemy (For rangers) they will roll with advantage.
If the survival roll is above the stealth roll, you will be provided a 3×3 grid square containing the player’s base OR a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked creature.
Tracking Notice Board Posts:
If you’d like to track an anonymous noticeboard post (not a POI on the notice board, that would follow POI rules), please open a DM ticket. Depending on the circumstances the DM will give you rolls to fulfill that might include the usage of social rolls such as persuasion or the DM will ask for a general tracking roll using survival. If the target is a Player’s favored enemy (For rangers) they will roll with advantage.
If the tracker rolls an 18 or higher they will be provided a 3×3 grid square containing the player’s base OR a 2×2 block grid containing the current location of the tracked creature.
((Last updated: 1.21.2025))