Conditions & Cures
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Choose your poison
The world is full of dangerous diseases and wicked witches who are just waiting for the right moment to strike their unexpecting victim. No matter if you have been infected by a grave sickness, cursed by a fellow warlock, or just covered in blood (some of which your own) after a good bar fight: Here you’ll find everything to know about how to handle and – hopefully – overcome your current, malevolent condition.
In the following, you’ll find everything you need to know about curses, diseases, statuses, conditions, and our madness rules and how to cure all of them, if possible. So be on your guard, wanderer, for the next time you might be less lucky than this time!
((Last updated: 2.4.2025))
Concussions, flesh wouds & broken bones
While being the most direct way of harm, injuries are what you get in the most varied of all ways. From fighting an evil wizard, to throwing some punches in a good old-fashioned bar brawl everything is possible and even a peaceful hiking tour can shortly turn into a fight on death’s door if you are exidentially waking the dragon in the mountain you’re just passing.
Lucky enough most injuries are as easy to heal as they are inflicted, but this doesn’t mean that you should be all too reckless about them. After all your healer will most likely have a more serious word with you than the ogre did before…
Basic injury status that is automatically applied after being downed in PvP, regardless of winning or losing side. While having this status, the affected character may not initiate a PvP intent but may defend if attacked. This status lasts for 2 hours or until it is either healed by a healing effect that states it removes the effect, a Potion of Healing, or a Medicine roll with a DC 10 accompanied by a minimum of 10 minutes of healing RP.
Severly Wounded
A debilitating injury inflicted as a result of PvP consequence or RP. A Character affected by this condition may not initiate PvP and can only Flee or Surrender in response to a PvP intent. This status lasts for 20 hours or until it is either healed by a healing effect that states it removes the effect, a Potion of Healing, or a Medicine roll with a DC 18 accompanied by a minimum of 1 hour of healing RP.
Death’s Door
Inflicted as a separate PvP consequence or as a result of dismemberment or as a result of surviving a Death Save. A character affected by this status cannot fight, cannot cast spells, and can only Flee or Surrender if in a PvP Intent. This status lasts for 40 hours or until it is either healed by a healing effect that states it removes the effect, a Potion of Healing, or a Medicine roll with a DC 25 accompanied by a minimum of 1 hour of healing RP.

This character is Weakened. They must surrender or flee in any combat. This condition lasts for as long as the spell or effect states it does. If the spell or effect does not have a duration, it lasts for 2 hours. (Does not apply to the ‘Weakened’ status applied by Ray of Enfeeblement)
Incurably Weakened
This character is Weakened. They must surrender or flee in any combat. This condition lasts for as long as the spell or effect states it does and cannot be cured through any means.
You might not like them but they effect you
Conditions alter a creature’s abilities in a variety of ways and can arise as a result of a spell, a class feature, a monster’s Attack, or other Effect. Most conditions, such as blinded, are impairments, but a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous. A condition lasts either until it is countered (the prone condition is countered by standing up, for example) or for a Duration specified by the Effect that imposed the condition.
If multiple Effects impose the same condition on a creature, each instance of the condition has its own Duration, but the condition’s Effects don’t get worse. A creature either has a condition or doesn’t.

- A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. (Social only)
- Creature has a reduced chance to hit, as well as reduced reflexes when it comes to social rolls. (-2 to melee/spell bonus)
- Creature is unable to use spells or attacks outside of 1 tile, is able to still move and flee, but cannot attack anyone outside of 1 tile.
- A charmed creature can’t Attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful abilities or magical effects.
- A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing. (Social only)
- Any spell or ability that relies on the target’s hearing automatically fail against a deafened target. Eg. Bardic Inspiration, Taunt etc.
- The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

- A grappled creature cannot move.
- The condition ends if the Grappler is incapacitated
- The condition also ends if an Effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the Grappler or Grappling Effect, such as when a creature is hurled away by the Thunder Wave spell.
- An incapacitated creature can’t take any form of action. Bonus actions are included in this.

- An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a Special sense. For the Purpose of Hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creature’s Location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves.
- A paralyzed creature is incapacitated and can’t move or speak.

- A poisoned creature has reduced max HP, and lower Dexterity Saving throws.

- Creature is Prone
- AC, Attack Bonus, and Spell bonus are debuffed
- Takes 1/2 of your movement action to recover using the recovery button on your turn
- A restrained creature cannot move.
- Can still take actions.
- A slowed creature moves at half its movement speed. This includes gap-closing yellow attacks.
The Slow spell does not fall under this condition.
- A petrified creature is transformed, along with any non magical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone).
- The creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
- Cannot be targeted by spells.
- The creature is immune to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.
- A stunned creature is incapacitated, and can’t move or speak at all.
This character has lost their soul by one means or another. The character cannot be raised, revivified or resurrected if killed as long as their soul is not in their body.
- An unconscious creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings
- The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone.
- Some Special Abilities and environmental Hazards, such as starvation and the long-term Effects of freezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a Special condition called exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An Effect can give a creature one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified in the effect’s description.
Level Effect 1 Move at half speed 2 Cannot use relocation abilities (Jump, etc.) 3 Reduces chance to hit for both Spells and Attacks. 4 Severely Wounded Condition 5 Death’s Door Condition 6 Death (With Consent, admin intervention required.) If an already exhausted creature suffers another Effect that causes exhaustion, its current level of exhaustion increases by the amount specified in the effect’s description.
A creature suffers the Effect of its current level of exhaustion as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature suffering level 2 exhaustion cannot use relocation abilities and has disadvantage on Ability Checks.
An Effect that removes exhaustion reduces its level as specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion Effects Ending if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced below 1. Naturally drops by 1 per day.
Status Effects
Temporary effects to your character
A status effect is a temporary modification to a game character’s original set of stats that usually comes into play when special powers and abilities are used, often during combat. The term status effect can be applied both to changes that provide a character an advantage, and those that hinder the character.
Some Special Abilities and environmental Hazards, such as starvation and the long-term Effects of freezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a Special condition called exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An Effect can give a creature one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified in the effect’s description.
Level | Effect |
1 | Move at half speed |
2 | Cannot use relocation abilities (Jump, etc.) |
3 | Reduces chance to hit for both Spells and Attacks. |
4 | Severely Wounded Condition |
5 | Death’s Door Condition |
6 | Death |
If an already exhausted creature suffers another Effect that causes exhaustion, its current level of exhaustion increases by the amount specified in the effect’s description.
A creature suffers the Effect of its current level of exhaustion as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature suffering level 2 exhaustion cannot use relocation abilities and has disadvantage on Ability Checks.
An Effect that removes exhaustion reduces its level as specified in the effect’s description, with all exhaustion Effects Ending if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced below 1. After a day, the exhaustion level is reduced by 1, provided that the creature has also ingested some food and drink.
- When a creature spends too much time in a cold environment, this condition affects the creature’s stamina and its body movements, causing shivering and numbness.
- Creatures that are immune or resistant to cold effects are not affected by this condition.
- Reduces maximum health and constitution saves.
- A pained creature has been hurt and is in immense pain.
- A pained creature has reduced saving throws.
- A creature can be pained when: (1) Sand, dust, or other particles are thrust into their eyes. (2) They are on fire. (3) They are being tortured.
- Creatures that don’t feel pain like golems would be immune to this effect.
Maybe you should have washed your hands
Diseases can be everything from a bad fever to a serious and wide spread plague. While some of these illnesses are relatively mild, most of them can take a serious turn on characters, if they go without the right treatment for too long. There are many ways to catch a disease in our world, but none of them comes without a vile source that should be taken care of. Better today then tomorrow.
Diseases Roll table
If inflicted with one of these diseases, the player must open a ticket and put it in their custom status effect state. If the name of the disease is too long, the status ‘Diseased’ will suffice. These diseases can be contracted the way described in their descriptions or through being given one by another player through transmission or a spell that inflicts a random disease.
Disease Progression Stages:
Disease Stage 1: They show the beginnings of the disease and its effects. Incurable.
Disease Stage 2: It becomes harsher and they will have an injury status where they can only defend themselves and not intent. They can be cured from this point on.
Disease Stage 3: The disease is in full course and can be spread by the afflicted. They can still be cured. (Disease spread options: Saliva, Bites, Blood, Contact with the infected area.)
Disease Stage 4: Depending on the disease, the afflicted will be severely injured and chance to perish without proper treatment.
If a 100 is thrown the caster of the disease may choose from the table below.
1 - 4 Ashen Inflammation
This disease is a mounting fever that eventually consumes its victims in fire. Those coming into contact with infected individuals, or the ash of the immolated victims, must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected. Creatures that do not breathe receive advantage on this saving throw.
The first symptoms of the disease appear in 1d4 + 1 hours, as the infected develop a heavy fever and rash. The infected creature suffers 1 level of exhaustion; while the infected creature has at least 1 level of exhaustion, they are also vulnerable to cold conditions.
At the end of each day, the infected creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they gain another level of exhaustion. On a success, they lose a level of exhaustion. If the creature reaches level 6 of exhaustion, they burst into bright flame and then becomes a pile of loose ash.
All creatures within 10 feet of the dying creature must make a DC 14 Con. On a failing save, the creature will become infected, while on a passing save, they will be safe. Once the infected creature loses all levels of exhaustion, the disease ends.
5 - 9 Blood Fever
Anyone consuming food or water contaminated by titan’s blood must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of the ailment known as blood fever. Blood fever’s incubation period is 24 hours. When the incubation is complete, the victim convulses, literally sweating blood. The victim also hallucinates disturbing visions of violence and death. Every 24 hours that elapse, the infected must repeat the Constitution saving throw, dying upon 3 failed throws. A character that dies in this way rises as a blood fever zombie after death.
Anyone who comes into physical contact with a victim of blood fever risks catching the disease as well, though the Constitution saving throw against contracting blood fever in this manner is DC 10. If a character makes a successful save, they are immune to contracting blood fever for 48 hours.
A lesser restoration spell and other similar effects can cure Blood Fever.
10 - 14 Blood Mold
Wounds infected by poisonous spores wafting through the air of the jungle can carry dangerous toxins through the bloodstream, making it difficult to heal from injuries. When a creature is wounded inside of the jungle during the night, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected. It takes 2d4 (2 – 1d4 = how many hours) hours for Blood Mold’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include lightheadedness and disorientation.
The infected creature only benefits half as normal from magical healing, requiring double the healing to recover from a wounded status. At the end of each day, an infected creature must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. After 2 successful saving throws, the creature recovers from the disease.
15 - 19 Bubonic Plague
The first time a creature approaches within one foundation of a creature carrying the bubonic plague, and every hour in proximity thereafter, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Onset is after 1d4 days, after which the victim becomes contagious. The victim’s body degrades and becomes exhausted on top of having this disease each day thereafter. They may attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw each day to avoid the furthering effects on their body.
Each day, the creature will progressively fall deeper into the disease’s clutches and start showing obvious signs of black spots and deteriorating skin. One the end of the 4th day, they become incapacitated from cramps and pain and can no longer move without assistance. If the victim has not been healed after 5 failed saving throws, the creature dies.
Two successful saving throws in a row defeats the disease. Once the victim is no longer ill, the exhausted and diseased status effect reduce by one each day. Depending on how long they had the disease for before curing it, will be the time needed to recover from it.
20 - 24 Cackle Fever
This disease targets humanoids, although gnomes are strangely immune. While in the grips of this disease, victims frequently succumb to fits of mad laughter, giving the disease its common name and its morbid nickname: “the shrieks.”
Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and include fever and disorientation. The infected creature gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed until the disease is cured.
Any event that causes the infected creature great stress—including entering combat, taking damage, experiencing fear, or having a nightmare—forces the creature to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes incapacitated with mad laughter for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each failed save consequence, ending the mad laughter, and the incapacitated condition on a success.
Any humanoid creature that is within two foundations of an infected creature in the throes of mad laughter must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or also become infected with the disease. Once a creature succeeds on this save, it is immune to the mad laughter of that particular infected creature for 24 hours.
At the end of each day, an infected creature can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the DC for this save and for the save to avoid an attack of mad laughter drops by 1d6.
When the saving throw DC drops to 0, the creature recovers from the disease. A creature that fails three saving throws gains a randomly determined form of indefinite madness.
25 - 29 Calcification Virus
This virus slowly turns the victim’s bodily fluids into a solid calcified substance. Sufferers typically suffocate on their own blood well before their blood completely calcifies. As the body decomposes, fluids calcify as well, until the body turns into bones and dust.
The dust carries the disease and can become infectious if breathed in or ingested. Creatures exposed to the disease must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become infected.
Within a day, the victim feels pain and fatigue. After 3 days, the creature develops rough patches over the skin that feel hard and thick. At this stage, the creature has disadvantage on Constitution checks (but not saving throws). After 5 days, the creatures become blind and develop stiff joints, gaining disadvantage on Dexterity checks, as well as preventing them from fleeing. After 7 days, the infected creature must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw every hour or begin to suffocate.
Creatures suffering from the disease remain infected until the disease is cured by magical means or they die.
30 - 34 Goblin Gout
In goblinoid creatures, this disease causes a level of rabid response, making them likely to bite instead of using their weapons, and irrationally brave in their attacks. They make all attacks with advantage, but all attacks against them have advantage. On any combat round, a diseased goblinoid is 50% likely to bite its adversary rather than use any other attack. Any creature bitten by an infected goblinoid must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or contract the disease. After an incubation period of 1d3 days, the victim develops the symptoms of the disease. If the victim is not goblinoid, the creature develops aching joints and stiffness.
The victim’s movement is reduced and they have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws and skill checks.
The victim may attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw after every day. With two consecutive passes, they shake off the effects of the disease.
35 - 39 The Grunge
This disease is spread through contact with goblin-infested waste. It causes blurriness of vision and a slight palsy. Any creature that makes contact with infected material must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become infected. One hour later, the disease sets in, and the creature has a –1 penalty on all attack rolls for 24 hours. A creature who rolls a 1 or lower on their saving throw must make an additional saving throw after 24 hours. A creature who fails this second saving throw permanently loses 1 point of strength. The strength can be regained only with a greater restoration or a wish spell.
40 - 44 Green Decay
A virulent extraterrestrial fungus slowly consumes the flesh of a creature that has this disease. While the disease persists, the creature has disadvantage on Charisma and Wisdom checks and on Wisdom saving throws. An affected creature must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw every 12 hours. On a failed save, the creature’s body degenerates and the fungus will begin consuming more of the creature’s body. If the creature gets three successes on these saving throws before it gets three failures, the disease ends immediately (but the damage to the body that has already happened will stay and will need to be healed).
If the creature gets three failures on these saving throws before it gets three successes, they will no longer act like a human being, and are physically harmed by the touch of daylight. This process is known as the Green Decay. At this point, no further saving throws are allowed and they will need 3 RP castings of the Greater Restoration spell to heal their fungus infected body.
45 - 49 Hanta Virus
Hanta Virus is spread from wild rodents, particularly mice and rats, to people. The virus, which is found in rodent urine, saliva, and feces, can be easily released in the air in confined spaces when disturbed by rodents or human activities, such as sweeping. Breathing in the virus is the most common way of getting infected; however, people can also become infected by touching their mouth or nose after handling contaminated materials. While rare, a rodent’s bite can also spread the virus.
Normally a Constitution saving throw is required to prevent contagion, with the DC dependent on the amount of contagious material contacted and the method of contact. Hanta virus incubates 1d3 days before beginning its deadly course. This virus cannot be spread from one person to another.
For the first two days after the incubation stage, a creature infected with this disease must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw every 24 hours. The victim gains one level of exhaustion for each failure. The exhaustion cannot be removed while the disease persists. Starting on the third day, failed saving throws indicate the victim gets fever, fatigue, and muscle pain and gains a level of exhaustion. Any day after the third, until the seventh day, which is the last day this disease can be cured, the symptoms will progress to include headaches, nausea and vomiting until they finally die of respiratory failure or shock.
Unless cured by a high tiered healing spell, this disease is ultimately fatal. Once the disease has been cured, the exhaustion can be cured with rest or by magic.
50 - 54 Leech Fever
This anemia-causing disease comes from the bite of infected leeches.
It is otherwise not contagious. Anybody bitten by an infected leech must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or contract the disease. The disease incubates for 1d3 days before causing symptoms. The anemia causes two levels of exhaustion. This exhaustion cannot be eliminated while the disease is still active. After the symptoms have developed, the victim may attempt a DC 16 Constitution saving throw after every day.
Two consecutive successful saving throws indicate the victim has thrown off the disease. The exhaustion can then be removed normally. Lesser restoration or similar magical healing eliminates the disease at any point.
55 - 59 Marblewife Syndrome
Though some legends tell of master crafters creating lovers out of stone, this disease was named for such a fable. The disease turns its victims to stone and can be contracted by a not yet petrified victim, as well as during “spore” seasons in which the petrified victim gives off a fungal-like shedding that can further affect other creatures. These seasonal spores complicate attempts to unpetrify victims, which often leads to the destruction or entombment of victims that might otherwise be cured.
After physical contact with an infected creature, a victim must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become infected. If an infected statue is sporing, a creature that comes within 5 foundations of the statue must make the same saving throw. Sporing statues are covered with a flaky substance that resembles dried paint.
A victim must repeat a DC 14 Constitution saving throw every 24 hours when contracted. If this results in 5 failed saving throws total, the victim becomes petrified. Any means of unpetrifying the victim will also remove the disease, and infected individuals also can benefit from either any means that remove disease or that remove the petrified condition, both of which cure the infected.
There are dreaded tales of entire cities succumbing to this disease, drawing in the curious and the greedy, only to add to the grim menagerie of lifelike statues.
60 - 64 Mummy Rot
Mummy Rot first causes desiccation and then a slow decomposition.
Vision goes early on as the body loses fluids, followed by ever-increasing weakness. Death comes late, well after the victim is completely incapacitated from weakness.
When a humanoid is exposed to the disease, either by magical means or through inhaling the dust of a former victim, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw of DC 14.
Mummy rot typically manifests immediately with a strong level of thirst. The victim must double its water consumption or gain one level of exhaustion. Every 24 hours, the victim must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. Each failure adds one symptom from the table below until death occurs. Two consecutive passes halts the disease but does not remove existing symptoms.
Remove curse destroys the disease and heals all damage. A single casting of lesser restoration removes the most recent symptom still present.
Symptoms in order of appearance based on number of failed saving throws.
Number of Failed Saving Throws | Effect |
0 | Thirst — gain one level of exhaustion from excessive thirst |
1 | Gain one level exhaustion and begin to show signs of the body degrading |
2 | Disadvantage on perception checks. |
3 | Gain one level of exhaustion and will start having a cough that won’t go away |
4 | Appearance will have degraded further, and Blindness |
5 | Gain one level of exhaustion and incurable severely wounded status. |
6 | Gain one level exhaustion and the body will appear withered at this point. |
7 | Incurable Death’s Door status, dust will begin being coughed up |
8 | Death |
65 - 69 Marrow Ooze
Though not technically a disease, the marrow ooze parasite infects its victims with its presence. A marrow ooze enters the body through a wound or exposed orifice (potentially the mouth or ears) while the victim is sleeping and consumes the host’s marrow. The victim can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to resist the infection.
On a success, the marrow ooze escapes, avoiding being destroyed by the host’s immune system. On a failure, the host is infected but actually feels better than ever. Infected creatures look more attractive, and are healed of any bone deformities, bone conditions, or diseases of the blood.
Each day thereafter, an infected creature must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On two failed saving throws, the marrow ooze splits and horrifically transforms the host’s limbs into new marrow, oozes in a process that resembles the melting of a piece of wax. The host is left without limbs.
These victims are at increased risk of developing a traumatic insanity and must roll on the indefinite madness table.
A host that succeeds at two saving throws (they need not be consecutive) can expel the creature, though the expulsion process is painful and difficult.
Once the expulsion process begins, the host bleeds from every orifice and loses body fluids through violent and frequent body emissions.
This process has a high risk of failure, that will need three rolls of a 1d4(two rolls with a 1 or 2 is a fail, 3 or 4 is a pass). Unless the host receives proper medical care (requiring a DC 15 Medicine check), there is no second chance of expulsion. If a victim should die due to this violent process, their insides are liquefied, and marrow oozes emerge from the body.
70 - 74 Risen Sickness
Among all diseases, few are as feared as Risen Sickness. Fabled to have toppled empires, this sickness creates undead with staggering efficiency, and at the least ensures a culture of fear and paranoia. Even the rumor of risen sickness is enough to rally mobs to stamp it out, and kings have been known to wipe out entire communities as a safety measure, whether it was merited or not. What is uncertain is how the disease starts, but when it does, corpses rise and hunger for flesh. This disease often spreads to long-dead corpses who have no resistance to the disease and swells the ranks of the risen.
Walking corpses are considered zombies. These corpses infect their victims through scratches, or bites, with a disease that kills and raises even more walking corpses. An individual exposed to a bite must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. Failure means the victim is infected. Symptoms will start as soon as the creature gets infected, such as confusion, seizures and loss of consciousness. After every day of infection, a Constitution saving throw will need to be made. Upon three failed saving throws, the infected creature dies and rises as a zombie.
There is no simple cure for this disease outside of magic, though there are special herbs that can remove the infection before death. There are rumors of random individuals that are naturally immune to the disease, though such tales also say that the immune are carriers, and unwittingly help the spread of the disease.
75 - 79 Rosen Doom
Rosen Doom is identified by the haunting reddish hue that affected corpses take on. The blood of the deceased victims also remains a strange reddish color even decades after their death, partially preserving corpses, and retaining the virulence of the disease for just as long.
This disease is primarily spread through contact with infected blood, although any bodily fluid can transfer the disease. A creature that makes contact with such a fluid must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected on a failure.
Symptoms develop within 1d4 days. Infected creatures suffer 1 level of exhaustion. While exhausted, the creature coughs blood and develops weeping sores across their body. At the end of each day, the creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level of exhaustion and sensitivity to the ongoing sores spreading on their body.
On a successful save, the DC of the saving throw is reduced by 1d4+1. When the saving throw DC becomes 0, the disease ends.
80 - 84 Sewer Plague
Sewer plague is a generic term for a broad category of illnesses that incubate in sewers, refuse heaps, and stagnant swamps, and which are sometimes transmitted by creatures that dwell in those areas, such as rats and otyughs.
When a humanoid creature is bitten by a creature that carries the disease, or when it comes into contact with filth or offal contaminated by the disease, the creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected.
It takes 1d4 days for Sewer Plague’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include fatigue and cramps. The infected creature suffers one level of exhaustion.
At the end of each day, an infected creature must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the character gains one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, the character’s exhaustion level decreases by one level. If a successful saving throw reduces the infected creature’s level of exhaustion below 1, the creature recovers from the disease.
85 - 89 Slimy Doom
Slimy Doom is caught from contact with the remains of a creature that dies of Tsathoggan Rotting Disease. For each hour of contact with dissolved flesh of such a victim, a creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or succumb to the disease with no initial incubation period.
Slimy doom turns a person into goo from the inside out. Each day, the victim must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If they pass the throw, then the deterioration will stay as is for that day. Upon a failed throw, they degrade further into goo. After 4 failing throws, they are nothing more than a fleshy bag of pus and bloody foam.
Those who are infected can be cured by a spell that removes disease or by passing two daily saving throws in a row.
90 - 94 Terror Plague
Called by some the “rabid fear”, this disease attacks the mind and is spread through bodily fluids, most commonly by sweat. Victims see hallucinations of their darkest fears, often attacking others and spreading infection in an addled attempt to fight off the visions of terror.
A victim exposed to the body fluids of an infected must make a DC 12 Constitution save or become infected.
Onset happens during the first evening of infection, and symptoms manifest as visions of dangerous and deadly creatures or hazards, or often the subject of the victim’s phobias or self-doubts. Once these visions begin, the victim sweats profusely, to the point they drip with sweat. Infected creatures cannot sleep or rest, and gain no benefits from sleeping other than staving off exhaustion. After three days, the victim might incur long-term madness. (see Madness) Roll a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw on the third day. If failed, roll on the Long Term Madness table.
One cure for this disease is to gouge one’s eyes out. Though not a popular cure, it can be a necessary one to stave off madness and sleep deprivation.
This does not so much cure the disease as it prevents the symptoms, and the victim can still transmit the disease to others (though they do not suffer from the heavy sweat that the visions induce). The only other non-magical cure must be procured from the blood of a hag or Hexblood and requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check to properly distill into a working cure. Whatever the connection between hags and this disease may be, it only serves to make each all the more terrifying.
95 - 99 Tinea Cruris
Wearing one’s armor too long and going without washing has its consequences in humid environments. When a creature has gone a week without bathing or more than 3 days without cleaning a suit of armor they wear each day, the creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected. It takes 1d2 days for tinea cruris symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include itching and odor in the groin. The infected creature emits a stench that gives it disadvantage on Charisma ability checks made against creatures within 2 foundations. Every day, the infected makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + 1 per previous save) or the range of its stench increases by another foundation (to a maximum of 5 foundations).
After 5 successful saving throws or through the use of magical or conventional healing, the creature recovers from the disease.
Curses & Cures
The punishment doesn’t ask if you deserved it
While primarily given through spells, Curses are often the trick of an evil spirit or the punishment from a deity against those who anger them. Even those who are able to inflict curses know of their power and tend to avoid them lest they were to get it returned to them.
Curses Roll table
The player must have this curse at a minimum of 24Hrs before they can attempt to lift said curse.
Curses stages:
Curse stage 1: They show the beginnings of the curse and its effects. Incurable.
Curse Stage 2: It becomes harsher and they will have an injury status where they can only defend themselves and not intent. They can be cured from this point on.
Curse Stage 3: The curse is running its full course and they’re put on the death save status with the curse full sprout
Curse Stage 4: Death by the curse’s effect
If a 100 is thrown the caster of the curse may choose from the table below.
1 - 5 Curse of the Feeble Mind
A devastating curse that affects the mind of many. Prevents the use of spells.
5 - 10 Curse of Crippled Bones
Your bones hollow out and become brittle, even for those with the Hollow Bones bane suffer this effect. You suffer the worst wounded status when you lose PVP combat, or through RP that would cause any injury to break a bone.
10 - 15 Curse of the Frail
Regardless of your race and if they are immortal; this curse advances you to old age. You suffer a -3 on any physical rolls, strength saving throws, and strength checks.
15 - 20 Curse of the Starved
Stricken with immense hunger, your character never feels full and after any meal, they have 1d4 hours before they become hungry again and must eat a large meal or become hungry. When hungry, you become more irritable and focused on finding your next meal.
20 - 25 Curse of the Honeyed Fingers
It just so happens that everything is yours. Well, mostly everything. That knife. Those jewels. That kid’s wooden horse. That piece of cake. The hat on that orc’s head. The gold tooth of that pirate. You have an incredibly powerful compulsion to steal just about anything. You have no qualms picking something up and putting it in your pocket.
25 - 30 Curse of the Monkey
A Dragonborn suddenly has fur over scales. A human sprouts a tail. A kitsune’s ears shift and shape into that of a monkey. You’ve gained the physical characteristics of a monkey and a few mannerisms as well.
30 - 35 Curse of the Blight
Anything you touch starts to wither. Gloves do not prevent this effect, but at least you can eat using cutlery. Food decays, leather hardens, people you touch will at first feel pressure on them, and slowly they will start to feel pain as their cells beneath die.
35 - 40 Curse of the Selfless
Every action is made for the benefit of another. So much so it could even cost you a limb or your life. You’ll give a beggar money, save a kobold from being eaten by an ogre, give yourself up to save a person in distress, even give your last scrap of cloth from your back to the unclothed.
40 - 45 Curse of the Stalker
Your eyes turn completely black. Any bright light becomes impossible to see in and painful to look at. You are effectively blind in bright and dim light areas but are able to see completely in darkness.
45 - 50 Curse of Twisted Tongues
Your speech becomes harsher and every other statement you make is a lie, a threat, or a dark truth that is impossible for any mortal to know.
50 - 55 Curse of the Broken Soul
You develop a split personality. Unlike a madness effect, everyone that suffers this curse is affected by the same tortured spirit. You frequently argue with yourself out loud, with your new personality being a coward who values self-preservation.
55 - 60 Curse of Priceless Keepsake
One item you see after becoming afflicted with this curse will have immense sentimental value to you. You will do anything you can to have it and will never have it leave your person once you obtain it. If it is ever more than five feet from you, you will be stricken with a frenzied panic to get it back. Your emotions are uncontrollable. Once this particular curse is lifted, you will still feel an attachment to this Priceless Keepsake, but will not suffer emotional turmoil without it (unless you choose to.)
60 - 65 Curse of the Savage Wilds
You believe all animals are your friend, and that you can speak with them. Whether it’s a horse, a dog, or a starving wolf; you are inclined to engage in conversation with them as if it were totally normal behavior. Even going so far as to take the animal’s side in the argument against other humanoids around you.
65 - 70 Curse of the Inept Pupil
No matter what you do, even with the best intentions and careful planning, you are prone to accidents. You are clumsy and often pratfall. Dropping coins, expensive vases, tripping over rugs or falling into people. You just can’t seem to write a letter without knocking over the inkwell or accidentally calling someone stupid under your breath.
70 - 75 Curse of the Lame
You are intelligent. You are certainly capable. However, you have difficulties opening doors, unscrewing your waterskin, and opening a book. A lot of simple tasks you need assistance with, even though you know how to do them, you just can’t seem to figure it out and execute it.
75 - 80 Curse of Infinite Wisdom
Through a gift of the gods or maybe the machinations of a darker force, you know everything and anything. The only problem is you know so much you can’t piece together when these events have taken place. You gain a +5 on all wisdom rolls, but you also suffer a -5 on all wisdom saving throws.
80 - 85 Curse of the Doppleganger
For the duration of your curse, you are convinced you are somebody else. This other person is somebody you know. You are convinced they are a changeling trying to undermine everything about you. You still have your memories and motivations, but you believe your name is theirs, and will strive to meet their goals as well until you are cured. (must be an active player and someone you engage with frequently).
85 - 90 Curse of the Jester
Everything is funny, at all times, and you will not be truly satisfied if those around you are not having as good of a time as you are. It is your goal in life to have everyone laughing and happy at all times, even if you have to force them to smile!
90 - 95 Curse of the Sun
Your blood runs incredibly hot and you are impervious to cold temperatures. However, anything that easily catches fire like paper, brush, or twigs become ignited. You can not wear clothing as it burns off. You can only wield steel items for a time until they grow weak and bend in your grasp. Anyone you touch will suffer a burn that immediately heals once you release them, but the pain will linger for a short time. Sleeping is difficult, as only the ground does not burn away, but the grass will scorch when you walk over it. You can still eat and drink, but the liquid will quickly evaporate at the touch and food will burn if not eaten quickly.
Curse Cures Roll table
If inflicted with a curse from the Curses page, the player must use the below chart to determine what Cure will be able to remove it by rolling a 1d100 after their minimum 24Hrs cursed is up.
1 - 5 Zen Zone
Meditating with a good luck charm, such as a four-leaf clover or rabbit’s foot, for 6 in-game hours. If the meditation is interrupted, the player must roll a 1d20 (DC10) to see if their concentration is broken. If they pass, they may continue meditating while interacting with the other player. If they fail, they must restart their time to clear their mind properly.
5 - 10 Hungry Hippo
Three times a day for a week, the player must be sure to eat a large meal made by another player, that has a mixture of all the food groups with grounded Frost Lotus sprinkled on the meals. This will numb the character’s body/senses so that they will not be able to force more food down than their body needs.
10 - 15 Sweet Solution
Find Aloe, Honey, and animal blood. The player must mix them together to make a solution that will be spread across their entire body once a day, for 6 in-game hours at a time, for two days total.
15 - 20 Giving the Seeds of Life
Find one seed of every plant and replant them into the earth to continue the life cycle of the land. The goodwill of this will cause higher powers to assist in removing the curse the player has.
20 - 25 It's a Bones Day
Pound the bone marrow of the mightiest animal (Mammoth) into dust and mix it with water. Drink a flask full every 12 hours for three in-game days.
25 - 30 Freezer Burn
The player must go to the frozen tundras. There, they need to kill the ice monsters in the area to collect their bodies. After eating the ice flesh over 3 in-game days, the player’s body will slowly recover.
30 - 35 Purity is now IN
The player must collect a full vial full of tears from a ‘pure’ being. Whether this is a virgin, baby, or someone ‘pure’-minded. With the vial, they must have it further purified by a cleric before drinking it to cure themselves.
35 - 40 Fishy Business
Collect both a pearl, scale, and rare spices. Boiling them in water, they must drink the soup made from the items once a day for two in-game days. If they throw up, Con DC 12, they must remake it and start over.
40 - 45 Righteous Assistant
Find and assist a Cleric with preparation for a holy rite. The player must confess their wrongs before being able to help their chosen cleric so that their mind and soul are cleared of sins. Once the Cleric is satisfied with the player’s help, they will ask their god/goddess to cure the afflicted player.
45 - 50 Deadly High
Gather Shroom amanita, Puffball mushroom, and Black Lotus. Ground the items together and burn them as incense. The player must inhale and waft the smoke over their bodies for an hour.
This cure will require a Constitution roll with a DC of 13. If failed, the character will be weakened and still cursed. They must attempt this again. Failing twice will result in ‘Severely Weakened’. The player will not drop further than this stat even if they continue to fail.
50 - 55 Eye in the Sky
Calling out to the heavens and receiving the white glory of the skies. Praise be! The gods heard you— Ah, no. Never mind, it was a bird. Getting pooped on by two birds and keeping that blessing on the player’s skin for 6 in-game hours ends the curse. No need to spread it more than it is.
55 - 60 Cats Bath
Gather Fur, blood, and claws from 5 felines around the land. The player must ground up the claws before boiling the ingredients together in a pot of water. Cats hate baths, and the player will as well. Lather the mixture onto the body to soak up the liquids and keep it on for 6 in-game hours, fur bits and all.
60 - 65 Vegetarian Life Source
Meat isn’t for everyone… And for the player, they must ignore it like the plague if they wish to be cured. By only consuming meals with a mixture of Plant fiber, Spices, honey, and fruits, or any other mixture of vegetables and fruits alongside this, the player will cleanse the curse from their body. If by any means, the player eats any meat or live animal in this timeframe, they must restart their cleanse.
65 - 70 Berries and Cream
Berries and Cream, the player is a little lad who will love berries and cream. Mix Desert Berries, Highland Berries, Dried Berries, and Aloe down into a cream. Once a day, for the next three days, the player may either ingest or use the cream as a lotion to spread over their body. If the player chooses to eat the cream, they must have half a glass full each time. Using the cream as a lotion, they must allow it to seep into the skin and dry properly.
70 - 75 Oceans Cure
There’s nothing more reinvigorating and refreshing than a day at the Ocean being surrounded by life under the sea. Gather Orange Phykos, Algae, Glowing essence, and find a nice location on the sand to set up a little fire. The player must make a tribute to the nature spirits with the collected items.
Use a 1d20 to determine If they like the tribute. 12 and above is a success, and they will bless and cure the player. 11 and below is a fail and the player must return to try offering a new tribute after 24 hours.
75 - 80 A Bug's Life
“So, being a Ladybug automatically makes me a girl?!” Just as it’s not right to assume something, the player shouldn’t assume bugs aren’t good for the soul. Go to the lakes and rivers across the land, to gather Cochineal, Grubs, Flies, and bugs to eat in a meal once a day for three days. Though they do not seem pure, the simple life is a clean life and this one will cleanse the player’s body after making a Con DC 14 to ensure they don’t puke. If they do, they must gather and eat again.
80 - 85 Smell the Flowers
Who says basking in lovely scents is disgusting? Well, if you’re one of them, then I have something horrible to tell you. By crushing up the following assortment of fresh flowers: False mandrake, Lupid, True indigo, Asura’s glory, and Midnight blue flower, the player must then turn them into incense. While being in an enclosed area, they must light and breathe in the smoke once an hour every 12 in-game hours for two days to cleanse their body and mind.
85 - 90 No-'Body' Minds
With the assistance of a Medic, or someone who has medicine, the player must ingest a Purple lotus flower. This lotus causes a hyperactive mind but loss of control of the body to paralyze those who drink or breathe it in. In this state, the mind will be able to focus on settling itself while the body will be free of the effects of the curse for a time to rest and recover properly.
The Medic must pass a medicine DC of 15 to safely administer the lotus. If it fails, the patient will become stunned and exhausted as their mind cannot take the flower’s effects and they must try again after 12 hours.
90 - 95 Freddy Krueger's Nightmare
Burning is the only sensation that will be felt in this nightmarish cure. The player must seek out an apothecarist with the following ingredients (Ash, Molten Heart, liquor of any kind) to create a harsh liquid that will in turn be drunk by the player twice over an in-game day period.
Nightmares don’t end there. Make a Constitution DC 13 saving throw each time. If the player fails, they will gain the ‘Burned’ status effect from being unable to take the heat.
95 - 100 Mad Lad
Maddess, or going Berserk. One of these two evils must be overcome by the player to cure their curse, and who better to assist in this than the beast of Berserk mode? The cursed player must seek out a mighty barbarian to guide them through taking a concoction of ground-up Grey Lotus, which can cause madness and the ability to go berserk, and consume one full Lotus Flower either in liquid or powder form. A 1D2 must be rolled to determine if the player goes mad or goes berserk.
The player must rely on the Barbarian’s strength through their Berserked or maddened state to keep them in check after consumption by losing to the barbarian in a strength roll. (If failed, they may attempt up to three times) Only then will the player refrain from harming themselves or others and return to their normal self before the cure.
Here’s to the crazy ones…
When it comes to afflictions that have a negative effect on your character, madnesses tend to be the ones that are the hardest to come by. Generally, they are inflicted based on a spell or witness an event or act so traumatic it causes a momentary or long-term break in your psyche.
MAdness Effects
There are three kinds of madness. Short-term, long-term, and indefinite. When a spell is used upon your character, refer to the tables below and roll a 1d10 to determine the effect.
Short-term madness
Usually lasts around two real life hours, unless specified they need a condition to resolve
1 | Everything you drink will make you think you are getting drunk, even if it’s non-alcohol. The madness only ends once you pass out from being incredibly drunk. |
2 | Your speech is spun around. You only speak backwards until you are slapped. |
3 | You’ve become paralyzed and can not move for ten minutes. |
4 | Inanimate objects around you have faces. Some are laughing at you, others are crying, and most others look angry. |
5 | Everyone around you is out to get you. You start to engage in a fist fight with the nearest person. You continue to do this until you are knocked out or there is no one left to fight. |
6 | There is an awful smell! You try to find it, you come close to finding it, but then it seems to move out of your reach. Clogging your nostrils or other ability to breathe does nothing to get rid of that odor. |
7 | A black bird only you can see lands on your shoulder. It speaks in a pleasant voice in your native language. It encourages you to do nefarious deeds and if you refuse it gets increasingly agitated before starting to peck at your face. You can not scare this bird away or capture it. |
8 | You feel heavy as a large boulder. You fall to the ground and become immobile. Convinced gravity is pulling you down and you can’t fight back. Last ten minutes. |
9 | You become scared of your own shadow and try to hide from it. It’s certainly out to hurt you, or worse. |
10 | Clothes are a burden and unfashionable. You strip out your clothing and replace it with paints, flour, inks, oils, mud, milk or any other substance you can find to improve your looks. |
Long-term madness
Lasts one real-life week or can be cured sooner with the use of a lesser restoration spell
1 | There is a voice in your head that constantly interrupts your train of thought. You suffer -1 on any Charisma roll. |
2 | You suffer from a sudden case of tremors and nervous ticks. You have a penalty of -1 on all Dexterity rolls. |
3 | You become mute and thus can not use any spells that have a somatic component. |
4 | Any time someone touches you, you become disoriented and confused. You forget what is going on for a few minutes before you are able to act normally again. The longer the touch, the longer the effect. -1 Wisdom rolls. |
5 | Nothing can change your mind. You are convinced you are a vampire and you must find blood to drink. Food you eat tastes like ash and any drink is bland, no matter how flavorful it is. You are convinced the sun hurts you, even when nothing happens to you in it. If you are a vampire, you will be afflicted with a different madness. -1 Constitution rolls. |
6 | You believe your soul has left your body. You feel hollow inside and your emotions are bland. You are unamused and not enthusiastic about anything. Lastly, you believe everything is some precursor to the ultimate doom and destruction of all of Torill, no matter how small the problem is. |
7 | You have a tendency of repeating yourself. Not just words but actions. Pouring a cup of tea that’s already poured. Taking your boots off, then putting them back on. Getting normal tasks done can be a tedious chore. |
8 | Something has convinced you that you’re the weakest. You have no muscle. Even when you pick something up with ease you are certain you’ve pulled several muscles and are in pain. -1 to Strength rolls. |
9 | There is someone out there you’ve become madly in love with. Maybe it’s the person closest to you, or the first person you see entering a tavern. You will do anything short of physically hurting that person to make them understand your love is true. |
10 | What a clutz! You can’t seem to keep your grip on things. Often dropping your weapon and other things. You have disadvantage on athletics rolls as well. |
Indefinite madness
Has no end to it and will be a permanent effect suffered unless cured with a major restoration spell.
1 | Devoid of empathy, you become less inclined to care for those who are suffering. You are absorbed with your own needs and only care for people around you, as long as they serve some purpose. |
2 | Something incredibly important to you has just slipped from your memory. You often have moments of deja vu or nostalgia for this thing, but can never remember any important detail to be satisfied. And when you do have a moment to remember it, you forget it almost immediately after. |
3 | Your moods are a fleeting fancy like a fish in a maze. At any moment your mood will change. You can become completely happy at the wrong moment or become enraged at a minor transgression, just to start weeping for your anger right after. |
4 | Everything has to be perfect at all times. You don’t just keep dirt off your skin, every part of you has to be immaculate and clean. And if someone ever moves something out of place you can’t rest until it’s properly set back to perfection. |
5 | The slightest sound makes you jumpy. Rather enjoying a calm night at home or at a festival in town; there are certain sounds that just get under your skin and put you on edge. |
6 | Everyone around you looks the same. Well, mostly. While you can tell people apart easily, you generally see people as the same height, shape and race. Maybe everyone is a harengon, or so short you look at their shoes to talk to them because you believe everyone is a goblin. Regardless you tend to make a few guffaws in social situations because of it. |
7 | At one point in the middle of your day, you see a snail appear in the room. You’re not sure how it got there, but you know it’s there to kill you. You have to get rid of the snail by any means without touching it. No one else can see the snail, but they are able to dispose of it for you. If you ever touch the snail, you are certain to die from the sheer mental anguish alone. |
8 | The time has come and you’ve ascended. No one seems to believe you, but you’re one of the most legendary figures to have ever existed on Toril. The great lich Acerak, the fabled Drizzt, the great mage Mordenkeinan! Generally speaking, your skills that you do possess share in common the myth or legend you claim to be. |
9 | Fire is truly the most soothing of all things in this world. Can anything be more euphoric than watching a burning building start to grow as it engulfs another part of the town? Without something being on fire, you feel terribly depressed. Maybe that’s why when you see a blaze, it makes everything worth it. |
10 | It’s not just hexblades who have a connection to their weapons. You have a weapon that talks to you. It’s personality is the opposite of your own and you tend to bicker and argue, especially when it comes time for a fight. And if you are ever to lose it or abandon it, the newest weapon you adopt will start to talk to you. A new personality, but still opposite of your own. |