((Link to Wiki’s in Race Name: The Fandom Wiki is a third-party website that gives a ROUGH estimation about a race. DMs discretion supersedes all.))
The term ‘Humanoid’ is used to describe any creatures that, for the most part, are vaguely shaped like the human race but not a human. Where most races in this setting can be considered so, here these races are put under the label ‘humanoid’ if they are human-shaped beings that are native to the Prime Material Plane that can not fit in wider race classifications like elves and dwarves as well as the humans themselves.
These beings make up most of the population of our plane. Their ways of living are vast and wide, coloring the landscape with many cultures and societies. No two races are like the other, causing them to often clash over territory and power. But some have learned to coexist, to make large cities and massive kingdoms. From the Dark Wood to the Shining Plains, these beings make a home wherever they desire.
((Last updated: 2.24.2025))

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Charisma, +1 of Choice
Progenitor Race: Your origin race.
900 years
You are ‘small’ or ‘medium’. You choose the size when you select this race.
Your size is 83.82 – 243.84
Your base walking speed is 3 foundations.
Dhampir can speak, read, and write Common, and their Progenitor Races Languages.
(Application Only)
Poised between the worlds of the living and the dead, dhampirs retain their grip on life yet are endlessly tested by vicious hungers. Their ties to the undead grant dhampirs a taste of a vampire’s deathless prowess in the form of increased speed, darkvision, and a life-draining bite.
With unique insights into the nature of the undead, many dhampirs become adventurers and monster hunters. Their reasons are often deeply personal. Some seek danger, imagining monsters as personifications of their own hunger. Others pursue revenge against whatever turned them into a dhampir. And still, others embrace the solitude of the hunt, striving to distance themselves from those who’d tempt their hunger.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
Equivalent to humans
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is between 157.48 – 213.36
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Githyanki can speak, read, and write Common and Gith.
The warlike Githyanki and the contemplative Githzerai are a sundered people – two cultures that utterly despise one another. The brutal Githyanki are trained from birth as warriors, while the Githzerai hones their minds to a razor’s edge in their fortresses within Limbo. But before there were Githyanki or Githzerai , these creatures were a single race enslaved by the illithids.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Intelligence, +1 of Choice
350 years on average, but easily 500 years
You are ‘small’.
Your size is 93.98 – 139.7
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Gnomes can read, speak, and write Common and Gnomish.
Gnomes are welcome everywhere as technicians, alchemists, philosophers, and inventors. This is due to their notably inquisitive mind and their love for experiencing the unknown in person. Their hyperactive metabolism, thinking and moving fast, aids them in many aspects of daily life and curiosities that may catch their eye. Adoring animals, beautiful gems, and jokes of all kinds, they have a great sense of humor. While they love puns, jokes, and games, they relish tricks—the more intricate the better. If they applied the same dedication to more practical arts, such as engineering, as they do their pranks there would be nothing the gnomes could not accomplish.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Dexterity, +1 of Choice
60 years
You are ‘small’.
Your size is 109.22 – 124.46
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Halflings can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling.
Halflings are affable and cheerful people who cherish the bonds of family and friendship, as well as the comforts of hearth and home while harboring few dreams of gold or glory. Even adventurers among them usually venture into the world for reasons of community, friendship, wanderlust, or curiosity that come from their love of discovering new things. Though, they can display remarkable ferocity when their loved ones are threatened. Happily sharing what they have even in lean times, Halflings are adept at fitting into a community of humans, dwarves, or elves with ease as they make themselves valuable and welcome.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Charisma, +1 of Choice
Often exceeding 180 years
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 149.86 – 185.42
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Half-elves can read, speak, and write Common, and Elven.
Half-elves, as a result of their unique heritage, exhibited confidence and strength of personality uncommon amongst both humans and elves. Born as natural leaders, having a free-spirited nature, and (perhaps because of their reality of living in two worlds) being unusually open-minded, this race had a colourful variety of personalities. Having the curiosity and ambition of their human parents, Half-elves also shared a love of the natural world and art with their fey parents. Forming large, and diverse friend groups, this race easily makes connections and friends as they venture forth on adventures, enjoying the genuine sense of wanderlust that they held close to their hearts.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
75 years
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 152.4 – 198.12
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Half-orcs can speak, read, and write Common and Orc.
Whether united under the leadership of a mighty warlock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, orc and human tribes sometimes form alliances, joining forces into a larger horde to the terror of civilized lands nearby. When these alliances are sealed by marriages, half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud chiefs of orc tribes, their human blood giving them an edge over their full-blooded orc rivals. Some venture into the world to prove their worth among humans and other more civilized races. Many of these become adventurers, achieving greatness for their mighty deeds and notoriety for their barbaric customs and savage fury.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 to two ability scores of your choice
100 years
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 147.32 – 193.04
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Humans can speak, read, and write Common.
In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene, and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
50 years
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 167.64 – 203.2
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Orcs can speak, read, and write Common and Orc.
(Application Only)
Traditional orcish culture is extremely warlike, and when not at war the race is usually still planning for it. Most orcs approach life with the belief that to survive, one has to subjugate potential enemies and control as many resources as possible. This puts them naturally at odds with other races, as well as each other. The belief is spurred in part by Gruumsh and his pantheon, which teaches that all races are inferior to the orcs. ‘Eyes of Gruumsh’ are orcs who are especially tied to the one-eyed god, and offer sacrifices, read omens, and advise tribes through Gruumsh’s will.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 to two ability scores of your choice
Progenitor Race: Your origin race.
Reborns do not age.
You are ‘small’ or ‘medium’. You choose the size when you select this race.
Your size is 83.82 – 243.84
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Reborns can speak, read, and write their Progenitor Races Languages.
(Application Only)
((Upon whitelisting, you must document your Reborn’s origin race.))
Death isn’t always the end. The reborn exemplify this, being individuals who have died yet, somehow, still live. Some reborn exhibit the scars of fatal fates, their ashen flesh, missing limbs, or bloodless veins making it clear that they’ve been touched by death. Other reborn are marvels of magic or science, being stitched together from disparate beings or bearing mysterious minds in manufactured bodies. Whatever their origins, reborn know a new life and seek experiences and answers all their own.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Strength, +1 of Choice
200 years
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 142.24 – 187.96
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Tritons can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.
Tritons guard the ocean depths, building small settlements beside deep trenches, portals to the elemental planes, and other dangerous spots far from the eyes of land-bound folk. Long-established guardians of the deep ocean floor, the noble tritons have gradually become increasingly active in the world above.
Race Abilities

Ability Score Increases:
+1 Constitution, +1 of Choice
You are ‘medium’.
Your size is 180.64 – 210.32
Your base walking speed is 2 foundations.
Warforged can speak, read, and write Common, and One other language of your choice.
(Application Only)
((Warforged cannot apply for afflictions.))
On the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of physique when compared to Nimblewright, warforged are powerfully built constructs who were created with a personality to develop and an innate intelligence that grants them a sense of personhood. Their bodies even harbor a system of veins that acts as a passage for liquid that fuels their functions, leaving them as an almost artistic replication of the biological form. They are adaptable by nature, often affixing their weapons to their own limbs through feats of engineering.