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Choose one, choose all!… Well, choose one please.
Guilds are organizations composed of like-minded individuals to further and protect their interests, and led by player leaders. They appeared in many different forms but typically offered benefits such as camaraderie and even financial support to members. Large, powerful guilds could even control an aspect of a city, such as trade in certain goods.
Note: Guilds are RP avenues for players with similar interests to band together in a group outside their personal clans. There are no mechanical benefits to them other than the flavor of RP they can provide. Each Guild Leader will have a persistent ticket open with the DM/Staff team to ensure that facilitation of RP is done in a way that is enjoyable for everyone.
Players may be in one guild at a time, but they are able to change to another after two weeks if the chosen one doesn’t fit their character.
Application for Guild Leader can be found here. Please fill this out in a DM Ticket:
((Last updated: 8.1.2024))
Storm Riders Company
For Coin or Honor, or maybe a little bit of both.
The Storm Rider Company is a standing mercenary army made up of former Zhentarim and thieves guild members who banded together to work for coin. Their aim started with them wanting to become a well known faction that rivaled both the Zhentarim and the Guild alone, taking any job they could to protect or destroy if the coin was right. When they moved to Halruaa they learned they could do great evils or honorable good, the jobs they took from this day forth would shape the storm riders image. Whispers among their ranks still speak of a hidden sect within that resembled the thieves guild of the past, though their jobs ranged from minor theft to assassinations.

Arcane Conservatory
Wise mages from all over Halruaa gather here to grow and preserve their stores of magical power.

The Arcane Conservatory is made up of wizards and other mages that believe in the conservation of the arcane arts in Halruaa despite the events of the Spellplague. It is their goal to slowly but surely bring the magic of Halruaa back to the state that it was before its downfall while also retaining respect for the craft. This guide of mages is also responsible for the land’s protection against magical threats either from outside lands or internally. This guild is often demonized by the central government due to their caution for the use of magic since the events of the plague.
Earthbound Enclave
After the devastation the spellplague wrought upon Toril, some do what they must to see the natural world brought back into balance.
The Earthbound Enclave aims to reestablish the ecosystem after Halruaa’s return to the plane. While not as fancy as the Mage’s Guilds, or Honorable as the Storm Rider’s Company, the nature esc Guild spends its times reversing the calamities from the Mage’s of the lands, aiming to heal the plaguelands that lay in its wake. Helping build up new forests through Druidic Magics, aiming to create a proper circle of life and animal ecosystems with the hunters, and even hunting down affronts to nature itself that seems to now be lurking about. If it risks the fragile ecosystems of nature, the Druid Guild is fast acting to defend it. This guild offers you no Honor. It offers you no power. It’s only goal is to help the decimated lands created by the Mages who sent it to turmoil to begin with, reversing the damage.